
Debate Info

Dreamer Realist
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:23
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 Dreamer (8)
 Realist (13)

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Thewayitis(4063) pic

Is it better to be a Dreamer or Realist?


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 14
1 point

when you dream, you are in a world of your own and you want the real world to be like your dreamland ... because people having been dreaming this world is sooo beautiful

Side: Dreamer
1 point

for who? for oneself i would say it is better to be a dreamer, being a realist myself. the happiness of the excitement of possibility is no trivial happiness. however it doesn't help others much for one to be a dreamer, unless they too are dreamers.

so you could say that a society of dreamers would be the happiest possible society, but they wouldn't, because such a society would cease to function properly or would endure more suffering.

the optimal lifestyle would be (annoyingly) as with most things; moderation of both dreaming and realism.

Side: Dreamer

I shocks me to see those who favor science with a passion and yet fail to defend the star glaziers that made science what it is. If it was not for dreams, then nothing would ever be invented or explored.

Side: Dreamer
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

I think you are confusing intelligence and aptitude with vision. I would contend that the best scientist is not the one who approaches their research with the intent of proving an assumption to which they have become emotionally attached, but rather the one who studies without presumption of conclusion or attachment to their findings.

Side: Realist
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

Let's take Copernicus for example, reality shows little signs that the Earth revolves around the sun. Only a dreamer could envision a universe that is contrary to reason. Only a dreamer would question reality in the first place.

Name one human that is not emotionally attached, this a quality that makes one human in the first place.

Side: Dreamer
2 points

Am sure many of us have read the public speech delivered by American civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr. on August 28, 1963, in which he called for an end to racism. He started by saying "I Have a Dream" a dream he wanted to turn into reality.

Side: Realist
1 point

A little bit of dreaming is okay as long as you spend more time and effort trying to turn your dream into reality. How can a dream come true if you don't have one?

Side: Realist
Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

How can a dream come true if you don't have one?

This rather assumes that dreams are worth having...

Side: Dreamer
1 point

To dream is to attach desire to an uncertain and sometimes improbable outcome. To be a realist is to acknowledge ones desires without hoping for them, which enables a more practical pursuit of fulfillment.

Side: Realist
1 point

A dreamer does not have the ability to face the facts, even when faced with the cruel fate of the world. A realist is able to accept the rubble of society, and deal with it. Dreamers try to make the entirety of society better, a feat only possible if everyone was a dreamer. But sadly, there is no chance of that, and it is good that the people of this age are able to cope with what we have been left from our ancestors. A dreamers goal is it have a good life, but can't if they don't know what their life really is.

Side: Realist
0 points

I try to not dream... I know my dreams won't come true. Realists are always right, despite negativity. I'm a negative realist and proud because that pride is the only optimism that will ever work. And we live in a shitty world.

Side: Realist
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
2 points

Seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy to me. Perhaps you're dreaming too big, or perhaps you are having difficulty working backwards from the dream to come up with manageable portions you can work towards individually.

I've made many of my own dreams come true, and it's happened primarily due to careful planning and execution, calculated risks, and yes- a little bit of luck.

While there are certainly exceptions, most dreams are definitely fulfill-able, given sufficient time and dedication towards the goal.

Side: Dreamer
ghostheadX(1105) Clarified
1 point

I have nightmares, not dreams... I hate myself so why would I want my dreams to come true?

Side: Dreamer