
Debate Info

Fewer abortions Ban it
Debate Score:66
Total Votes:68
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 Fewer abortions (34)
 Ban it (26)

Debate Creator

Cartman(18192) pic

Is it more important to reduce abortions or a law banning it?

We only ever talk about whether or not there should be a law against abortion.  I would like to discuss what the end goal is.  What do you want to happen?  Do you want to make sure the number of abortions performed gets reduced without legislation?  Do you want to make sure that we pass legislation saying that abortions aren't allowed, but not sure about the results?

Fewer abortions

Side Score: 40

Ban it

Side Score: 26
3 points

A true conservative would be on this side. Abortions are bad. The reduction of abortions would be better regardless of legislation. Adding legislation that wouldn't do what you want is just adding more government.

We can reduce abortions much more through education than through laws banning the practice. That's what we as Americans should focus on.

Side: Fewer abortions
flewk(1193) Clarified
1 point

Are you referring to sexual education? Because that is fairly taboo in the fundamentalist Christian community.

Side: Fewer abortions
1 point

Should we ignore all of the benefits of sex education because it is taboo? Abortions are taboo.

Side: Fewer abortions
2 points

Banning abortions will not eliminate the practice of abortion, just like banning assault rifles in the hands of gang members does not eliminate the presence of assault rifles in the hands of gang members.

No sane human being has ever been nor will ever be "pro-abortion". Abortions are not a form of birth control and keeping the procedure legal will only make getting one a safer option. Abortion is a last resort procedure for a woman who cannot have that child and banning them would only force those mothers to obtain one in an unsafe way.

Side: Fewer abortions

I personally think abortions should not be limited, but between these two options, I think reducing abortions is highly preferable because banning abortions simply wouldn't work. People are always going to try and get abortions, and if it is legal, then they will be safer. If all abortions are banned, people who are going to get abortions by any means necessary will be putting themselves in to more dangerous situations, and will not be given the help they need.

Side: Fewer abortions
1 point

Abortions are not something to be taken lightly and the ramifications for those directly involved can last a long time.

Each case should be assessed properly on its merits by the parents, family, medical advisors etc.

Sometimes bringing all the forces to play can prevent an abortion if the parent /s are given the proper support. Not always the case, but it does work sometimes.

Then there are times when an abortion is inevitable due to massive medical issues for mother or child, in cases of rape, etc etc.

Banning abortion is a very bad idea which just sends entirely the wrong message and promotes underground illegal abortionists with the potential for untold harm.

Side: Fewer abortions
1 point

You could always go for a well tried parenting method. Ban abortions for 3 or 4 generations. Let the kids clean up their own mess and learn from their mistakes.

Side: Ban it
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Yes the always successful parenting method of just telling your kids they can't do something, that never fails.

Side: Fewer abortions
flewk(1193) Disputed
1 point

Prohibition only failed because of lack of enforcement. A police state is a lot different than just telling people not to do something.

I mean the law, not the concept.

Side: Ban it
1 point

Abortion kills a living child. It is only acceptable if the mother's life is in danger or the baby will die anyway.

Side: Ban it
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

So why are you on the side where more abortions happen? If the goal is to prevent abortions wouldn't you want to be on the side of fewer abortions?

Side: Fewer abortions
Sitar(3680) Disputed
1 point

I am prolife. Mothers should only be able to kill their unborn child if their life is in danger or if the child will die anyway. For all other reasons, abortion should be banned.

Side: Ban it
1 point

What about the mother's future mental, physical, and economic future, not including death?

Side: Fewer abortions
Sitar(3680) Disputed
0 points

What about the rights of the child. The child has the right to their body too.

Side: Ban it