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Yes, but who knows where No end to it
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 Yes, but who knows where (2)
 No end to it (2)

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Apolline(197) pic

Is there such a thing as too far for the left?

Yes, but who knows where

Side Score: 5

No end to it

Side Score: 3
2 points

Yes, there is, but, we haven't gone as far to the left as others have gone to the right, as Lilly Tomlin often said: ".and THAT'S the truth!"

Side: Yes, but who knows where
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

What's a sign that the left has gone too far? ?

Side: Yes, but who knows where
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Like the man said .............. who knows?? ;-)

Side: Yes, but who knows where
0 points

Anyone who asks, ''how the left has gone too far'' falls into one of two categories. They are either woefully ignorant or willfully blind.

It would be a futile exercise to list the atrocities committed by left wing terrorist organizations such as ANTIFA and other radical leftist terror squads as the resident loony communists on this site would adopt their usual 'whataboutery' defense mechanism and go into their denial mode.

As just one small example we could cite how the radical leftists have appropriated our universities and denied platform to anyone wishing to publicly express any political view other than an extreme left-wing, anti-white, anti-American ideology.

''There are none so deaf as those who do not want to hear''.

Side: No end to it
2 points

Anyone who asks, ''how the left has gone too far'' falls into one of two categories. They are either woefully ignorant or willfully blind.

Or how about a third option?

You're a thoroughly absurd partisan idiot with absolutely zero understanding of integrity, righteousness or truth. That works for me because it explains why you are attacking the left four years after the right devolved into outright fascism.

Side: Yes, but who knows where