
Debate Info

Yes, so true No
Debate Score:39
Total Votes:43
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 Yes, so true (8)
 No (13)

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shoutoutloud(4303) pic

Is this quote true?

''If abortion is murder, than giving blowjobs is canibalism'' - Unknown

Yes, so true

Side Score: 14


Side Score: 25
3 points

Only if you swallow. ;)

Side: Yes, so true
Troy8(2417) Disputed
2 points

I mean, if you're into biting off penises and swallowing them, be my guest.

Side: No
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Nah.... I gave that up for Lent one year and never went back. ;)

Side: Yes, so true
sauh(1106) Disputed
1 point

Yeah.... NO!

Please don't advocate that; outside of prison, that is.

If your in the clink, you do what you got to.

Side: Yes, so true
0 points

What do you say to this Chuz you intolerable prick!

Side: Yes, so true
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Leave him alone. I disagree with his views, but freedom of belief is a right.

Side: No
Jungelson(3955) Disputed
2 points

Ok what the hell Dana, you of all people should appreciate the fact that on a debate sight, you don't just say " I disagree with you., but you have freedom of speech so I won't argue with you!"

What the hell is the point in a debate site of you don't debate. I am not telling him he's not allowed to have his beliefs, I was just taunting him because I think he's a wanker, and if I'm not allowed to express my own opinions, well then you all can just suck it.

How was I in any way interfering with his rights anyway.

You disappoint me...

Side: Yes, so true
Chuckles24(18) Disputed
2 points

Freedom of speech is a right too. Freedom of belief only applies when a government places laws against a religion.

Side: Yes, so true

Abortion isn't about giving sperm human rights, its about giving a human in its early developing stages human rights.

Side: No
3 points

Sperm and egg combined is different from sperm alone.

Side: No
Chuckles24(18) Disputed
0 points

A fetus hasn't developed consciousness. So a fetus isn't a human as much as a possibility of a human. Abortion is as much murder as wearing a condom. You probably weren't pro-life but I'm going to argue with you anyway.

Side: Yes, so true
Troy8(2417) Disputed
2 points

A fetus hasn't developed consciousness.

By that same reasoning, should a human in a coma also be terminated simply because it is not conscious?

So a fetus isn't a human as much as a possibility of a human.

Yeah, I mean who knows it might become a dog, whale, or horse...?

Abortion is as much murder as wearing a condom.

Yeah because a fetus and sperm are equivalent. Makes sense.

Side: No
lolzors93(3225) Disputed
1 point

So is a human who is asleep or in a coma not a human simply because he or she does not have consciousness? What does it mean to be a human as much as possible? Does that mean because one has not developed fully, then one is not a human? Are children developed all the way? Abortion is evil and murder; wearing a condom is not murder. Why do you think I'm not pro-life?

Side: No
1 point

Consciousness is something that we know almost nothing about, we barley understand basic anesthesia. But also, a fetus is a human, consciousness has nothing to do with somethings biological identity.

Side: No
3 points

Of course not. I've had a conversation like this, and a burgeoning human is very much different than a sperm that has no potential on its own.

Side: No

All the good answers have already been given. I agree with this side.

Side: No


The definition of cannibalism is to eat the flesh of a man. Not to eat his sperm.

Abortion on the other hand is to create thousand of excuses to act a murder without guilt

Side: No

It took me a while to even get the similarities. I think it would only be true if the fellatio giver swallows.

Side: No