
Debate Info

Bronto Bernie
Debate Score:53
Total Votes:55
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 Bronto (28)
 Bernie (25)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

It's free but it's not. Bernie Sandersism 101

Bernie: College will be free. 

Bronto: Oh?

Bernie: Yes, people will be happy to pay more in taxes.

1)Name anyone who is happy to pay more taxes.

2)If it's free, why pay more taxes? I thought it was free.

Bernie: Someone shut that Native up...


Side Score: 28


Side Score: 25

Everything the Democrat Party does is designed to cater to it's low income base. They call all this stuff free because it is free to their low income base.

As with Obamacare, the Democrat Party spits on the working middle class. Their so called healthcare is no longer affordable to the working man's family.

I call it taxation without representation. They tax the middle class and take their money to buy low income votes.


So when the Left talks about free stuff, they are speaking to their low end voters, NO ONE ELSE! Everyone else will be taxed to death while our nation goes bankrupt.

It's called affirmative action on a huge scale. You will now get into the Colleges, into the Doctors, into the grocery store, into housing, etc. for free based on your income, while the working man can no longer afford those things.

Democrats support the most corrupt form of Socialism I've ever seen. Any working man who votes for these extreme Liberals is mind boggling stupid.

Side: Bronto

Way to go Bronto. You really kicked your own butt in that argument. I've never seen anybody destroy themselves with so much wit.

Side: Bernie
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

The American Medical Association, the nation's largest doctors group, narrowly voted to maintain its long-standing opposition to "Medicare for all" and other proposals for single-payer medicine.

This is a good thing. "Medicare for all" would require us to double our annual tax burden, leaving a void of nearly $140 billion from our current profit-based system that funds 44% of the world's medical research and development. It would eliminate private health insurance, obliterate reimbursement rates to physicians, and deplete the majority of the world's pharmaceutical profits, presumably halting further drug development.

Does a life long politician like BARNEY SANDERS know about HEALTHCARE ????????

Side: Bronto
1 point

Way to go Bronto.

Thank you.

You really kicked your own butt in that argument. I've never seen anybody destroy themselves with so much wit.

Except that it's literally Bernie's claim and literally my rebuttal of his literal claim.

Side: Bronto
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

BOY you do not have the ability to use facts ! You live off of SHOULDER EMOTIONS !!

Side: Bernie
1 point

It's free but it's not. Bernie Sandersism 101

Hello bront:

Seems to me that right wingers ought to know how business operates.. No, huh?

Lemme ask you this.. Are the roads free? Well, if you're a know nothing, you'd say NO, they are NOT free. But, if we make money BECAUSE of the roads, they're NOT only FREE, they pay off.

Is college free? If you think an educated populace MAKES us more money than an IGNORANT populace does, it IS free.


Side: Bernie
1 point

Lemme ask you this.. Are the roads free?

No. We pay for them through taxes and tolls.

Well, if you're a know nothing, you'd say NO, they are NOT free.

Because they literally aren't.

But, if we make money BECAUSE of the roads, they're NOT only FREE, they pay off.

If I made money off of a road, that still wouldn't make them free. It would simply mean my payment, that wasn't free, paid off. Some investments do not.

If I get "free college", yet still pay for it in taxes, and I don't get the job I planned on getting, it's a net loss.

If I get "free healthcare", but it's worse than privatized healthcare, and I'm taxed even more to pay for it and even more than that to pay for illegals' healthcare, not only is it not free, I got robbed and raped.

Side: Bronto
1 point

Is college free? If you think an educated populace MAKES us more money than an IGNORANT populace does, it IS free

I don't think that. It's supply and demand. Once EVERYONE is qualified, NO ONE makes more money. And if EVERYONE gets a law or medical degree and can magically ALL get positions in those fields, now we have no one qualified to be plumbers, mechanics, etc. Now no one cleans the buildings, no one drives a taxi, no one cooks you food, no one plants the crops, no one milks the cows, and you've created one hell of a clusterfuck.

And what's even worse? You jacked up my taxes to create said clusterfuck.

Even worse than that? You've jacked up taxes on older people who will never benefit, even in theory, from your expensive trainwreck. Do YOU benefit from "free college"? Will YOU get a degree at your age? No, but I'm going to tax your ass into oblivion anyway to pay for it, and then have the audacity to call it free. Why? Because I'm a fucking left wing tyrant, and I can run your life better than you can, obviously. That's why. So pull out your fucking wallet, bend your ass over, and take your left wing fucking like a man. You didn't create that money. The omnipotent god state did. Hand it over. Do it now. It's all mine. I'm a leftist. Logic doesn't matter. I'm a leftist, and I make the rules. Understand?

Side: Bronto
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

I don't think that. It's supply and demand. Once EVERYONE is qualified, NO ONE makes more money.

Hello again, bront:

Wow.. DUDE! That sounds like something a commie would say. You really DON'T know much about entrepreneurship, do you?

The economy is NOT a zero sum game.. It GROWS.. That's because NEW business's got started - probably by people who couldn't find a job because EVERYONE is qualified..

DUDE! I'd turn in my right winger card if I was you.


Side: Bernie