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 Judge orders Special Counsel Robert Mueller to hand over Documents (19)

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Judge orders Special Counsel Robert Mueller to hand over Documents

In a new twist, a U.S. District Court judge has ordered special counsel Robert Mueller to hand over all secret documents related to the questioning of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. Flynn's legal team claims the Federal Bureau of Investigation urged the retired United States Army lieutenant general not to bring a lawyer to an interview with agents at the White House in January 2017. Flynn has since pleaded guilty to one count of lying to prosecutors and is scheduled to be sentenced on Tuesday.U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan on Wednesday ordered Mueller to turn over all documents and "memoranda" related to Flynn's questioning by 3 p.m. Friday. Sullivan is the same judge who overturned a 2008 conviction of former Sen. Ted Stevens after government misconduct was revealed. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe set up the White House interview with Flynn, suggesting he not have a lawyer present. "I explained that I thought the quickest way to get this done was to have a conversation between Flynn and the agents only," McCabe wrote, according to newly filed court documents.

The FBI and Mueller are as corrupt as they get !!!!!!!!!!!!
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2 points

We have been here before, where a judge appears to be getting serious and then it goes nowhere. Not holding my breath here. Michael made two serious errors - he was born a Flynn and not a Clinton and he worked for Trump.

1 point

Probably the judge doesn't want to get shot dead in a customary robbery whereas, for some unknown reason, nothing gets stolen from the victim and the investigation finds nothing.

1 point

Obama was part of the plot to destroy Flynn, in January 2017. His

actions, based on illegal surveillance and unmasking, are directly

connected to the post-inauguration crimes of Yates, Comey and the

others. Obama is also fully implicated in the sedition.

The snake known as Mueller will never look into the crimes of Democrats.

1 point

Trump is Finished part 5,932 didn't work out. The clowns got caught up on again.

-1 points

Flynn's legal team claims the Federal Bureau of Investigation urged the retired United States Army lieutenant general not to bring a lawyer to an interview with agents at the White House in January 2017.

Hello Poochy boy:

I dunno.. If you wanna catch a perp, you don't tell him to lawyer up BEFORE the sting..

Now, fetch this stick.


outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan on Wednesday ordered Mueller to turn over all documents and "memoranda" related to Flynn's questioning by 3 p.m. Friday. Sullivan is the same judge who overturned a 2008 conviction of former Sen. Ted Stevens after government misconduct was revealed.

What you got to say you UNINFORMED FOOL ? Speak up Dummy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

To easy to have fun with you there SOCIALIST !!!!!!!!

A federal judge has rejected special counsel Robert Mueller’s request to delay the first court hearing in a criminal case charging three Russian companies and 13 Russian citizens with using social media and other means to foment strife among Americans in advance of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

In a brief order Saturday evening, U.S. District Court Judge Dabney Friedrich offered no explanation for her decision to deny a request prosecutors made Friday to put off the scheduled Wednesday arraignment for Concord Management and Consulting, one of the three firms charged in the case.

The 13 people charged in the high-profile indictment in February are considered unlikely to ever appear in a U.S. court. The three businesses accused of facilitating the alleged Russian troll farm operation — the Internet Research Agency, Concord Management, and Concord Catering — were also expected to simply ignore the American criminal proceedings.

Did Mueller have to bail on the prosecution of Concord Management you FUCKIN IDIOT ???????

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

LAP DOG where is the Russian Collusion you DUMB SON OF A BITCH ???????????

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hello DUMMY !!!!!!!! Now other than Concord Management has your Loved MUELLER brought any Russians before a judge ???

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

LAP DOG has your Loved MUELLER found any evidence that the Russians tampered with ballot boxes in all counties in all 50 states ? Step up DUMMY or SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bronto(2002) Disputed
0 points

I dunno.. If you wanna catch a perp, you don't tell him to lawyer up BEFORE the sting..

Cool. I'll tell my black friends the white libs have changed their position on cops.

-1 points

The FBI and Mueller are as corrupt as they get !!!!!!!!!!!!

So let me get this straight you waste of DNA. Billionaire Trump, who literally has a worse record with fact-checkers than Hitler, is the honest one, and the law enforcement agencies of the United States are corrupt?

There is just absolutely no excuse for the stupidity of this argument.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

So the Brit Troll opposes a judge's ruling ??????????? It has be unfair don't you think Banning Boy ?????????

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Get this straight i am not going to ban you but i will enjoy your stupidity because your an Ignorant Communist there Brit Troll !!!!!!!!

0 points

your an Ignorant Communist

* you're.

For fuck's sake at least learn your own language.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Being the Brit you are can you describe for us the crimes Flynn has committed ???