
Debate Info

Yet libs cry Talk but no walk
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:8
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 Yet libs cry (3)
 Talk but no walk (4)

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JuiceMan(32) pic

Little Oklahoma has more wind power than California

Oklahoma – installed capacity 8,072MW

California – installed capacity 5,885MW

Yet libs cry

Side Score: 3

Talk but no walk

Side Score: 4
1 point

Little Oklahoma has more wind power than California

Hello bront:

Bumfuck would have less wind if you'd move.. It would have NO wind if poochy boy moved.

Now, fetch this stick.


Side: Yet libs cry
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

So you were in the military killing Nazis. That would mean you were in WW2. Which theater of battle were in ?

Side: Yet libs cry
0 points

Oh, you are mistaken Con. That's not my wind. That's all those turbines we build that the left keeps preaching about but not building...

Side: Talk but no walk
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

That's all those turbines we build...

Hello again, bront:

OMG! I'm sooo sorry.. You KNOW they cause cancer, don't you?? The orange man said so.. 04/guest-column-wind-turbine-cancer-president-donald-trump-crazy-maybe-not/

Bwa, ha ha ha ha ha..


Side: Yet libs cry
1 point

The left hasn't figured out Trump's satirical nature

Hello again, bront:

So, every time Trump says something unbelievably STUPID, you'll say he was just joking.. DUDE!!

Lemme tell you, the joke's on you..


Side: Talk but no walk
1 point

So, every time Trump says something unbelievably STUPID, you'll say he was just joking.. DUDE!!

No. Every time he's joking, I'll say he's joking, and the left will go berserk, which is what he's actually going for. Their inability to not meltdown at every word is why they are having a mass exodus from the party and trust in the media is single digits.

Hey lookie here. A leftist caught on...

Side: Yet libs cry
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Did Chucky say this unbelievably stupid nonsense :

With President Trump publicly attacking a judge:

Now would be the time for Chief Justice Roberts to speak up.

Now would be the time for the Chief Justice to directly and specifically defend the independence of the federal judiciary.

I hope he will see fit to, and do it today.

Idiot the joke's on Chucky ! Catch up stupid.

Side: Yet libs cry