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 London Westminster shooting is being treated as a "Terrorist Attack" (52)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

London Westminster shooting is being treated as a "Terrorist Attack"

London police have confirmed the incident at Westminster is being treated as terrorist as it has been confirmed one woman is dead and others hurt, some with "catastrophic" injuries, in the attack. The attacker mowed down several pedestrians as he drove a 4x4 car across Westminster Bridge before crashing it into railings then running through the gates of the Palace of Westminster and stabbing the officer.

Eyewitnesses said he was shot by police as he approached a second officer clutching his knife. "We've declared this as a Terrorist Attack and the counter-terrorism command are carrying out a full-scale investigation into the events today," Mark Rowley, Britain's most senior counter-terrorism officer, told reporters.

The British Press is already trying to put the Progressive Spin on this terrorist attack by referring to the terrorist as an "Asian Guy" !

When the truth becomes apparent that the terrorist was not Asian but Muslim the Progressive Spin will get further twisted.  

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3 points

British authorities are enabling evil once again and just call a spade a spade it's not that hard. The fact that the terrorist drove a vehicle through a crowd is proof enough whom the individual is. Islamic Terrorist and welcomed into the UK by the bleeding heart Progressives of that country.

1 point

I agree with your points. Their policy re islamc terrorists entering the country needs to be questioned

Read the Quran, the Sunna, and the hadith, and you'll actually be surprised that it isn't worse. Islam's eschatology actually brainwashes people to be sociopaths and psychopaths. What typical Westerners on the Left or the Right deem insane, Islam deems morally virtuous.

2 points

Once again innocent civilians lie dead and wounded all because of the eye-watering, shortsighted stupidity of our western politicians, past and present.

At last, at long last the United States has a President who recognizes the utter folly of letting the Muslim terrorist filth into the country.

It's too late to save Europe from the horrors they've experienced to date and are going to continue to reap as a consequence of their mindless politicians and apathetic electorate, but America has time to save itself from the self imposed nightmare which is engulfing Europe.

Rudyard Kipling, East is East and West is West, and never the t'wain shall meet.

Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Youre worried about us? Children have shot more people dead in the US than terrorists have in Europe. Concentrate on your own country.

Iacov(68) Disputed
1 point

Are the children actively calling for our death. You would be a fool to wait for a man waiving a gun at the crowed to actually point it at you before you do anything.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

You aren't really concerned about terrorist attacks in the UK and when it is brought to the forefront all you can do is the Classic Progressive Spin to avoid the truth and reality that stares you in the face.

1 point

When the truth becomes apparent that the terrorist was not Asian but Muslim the Progressive Spin will get further twisted.

In Britain when someone is described as "Asian," they are typically referring to someone from southern Asia, aka the Middle East. Don't forget, those Muslim countries are part of Asia. Besides that, the man actually responsible for the attacks was born and raised in England.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

A KILLER who murdered three people before he was shot dead by police has been named as a body-building obsessed married dad-of-three.

Muslim convert former English teacher Khalid Masood, 52, who mowed down pedestrians on Westminster Bridge before storming Parliament and stabbing a police officer to death, was born in Kent but later moved to the West Midlands.

SEDUCED BY ISIS London terror attacker named as Khalid Masood – a 52-year-old body-building obsessed dad-of-three English teacher seduced by ISIS

The Muslim convert used several aliases and had been convicted previously of possessing a knife.

Khalid Masood does have an Asian tone to the name don't you think ! LMMFAO

cownbueno(407) Disputed
1 point

Despite what you think, look at any world map and you'll see that the middle east, and even over into Pakistan and Afghanistan are very much Asian countries.

sylynn(626) Disputed
1 point

Yeah, I know what happened; not sure what you're hoping to gain by telling the story again. To reiterate, in England when someone is described as Asian they typically are referring to someone from Pakistan or India, not Southeast Asia like we think in the US.