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Debate Score:32
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 Man + Woman 4 life (17)

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Defendtruth(3) pic

Man + Woman 4 life

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5 points

Woman + Woman 4 FUN!

1 point

Hi, I'm Warjin and I approve this message : )

4 points

Hey, let's stop judging people here. Some people don't read or believe in the Bible. If you disagree with that, you just have to "be the better person" and focus on your own character-improvement, not butt in to other people's.

If you don't like gay marriage, then don't have a gay marriage. It's not complicated.

For example, I don't like reading the Bible, so I don't read the Bible. I don't insult others for reading the Bible, I don't preach hate for reading the Bible and I don't try to pass laws against reading the Bible. I just sit in my own little corner, do my own thing, and don't read the Bible.

3 points

Why does the Man have to be before the Woman in the equation, hmm?

That's very sexist.

Defendtruth(3) Disputed
1 point

3 And thy estimation shall be of the male from twenty years old even unto sixty years old, even thy estimation shall be fifty shekels of silver, after the shekel of the sanctuary.

4 And if it be a female, then thy estimation shall be thirty shekels.

5 And if it be from five years old even unto twenty years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male twenty shekels, and for the female ten shekels.

6 And if it be from a month old even unto five years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male five shekels of silver, and for the female thy estimation shall be three shekels of silver.

7 And if it be from sixty years old and above; if it be a male, then thy estimation shall be fifteen shekels, and for the female ten shekels.

Exodus 27:3-7

Intangible(4934) Disputed Banned
2 points

Hey dude! Screw you! Stop spitting those hex words at me!

TheAshman(2299) Disputed
1 point

The way you've placed this passage makes it sound like the bible condones paedophilia!! Nonces are OK but gays are sinners that's fucked up

So you are saying ''man + man = 4 life'', makes ''woman + man = 4 life'' incorrect?

2 points

Man + Woman

Man + Man

Woman + Woman

Who cares? If you do maybe you should go get your own life and stop worrying about everyone else's, after all its none of your fucking business

1 point

= Marriage not 1 man + 4 women or 4 women + 1 man just as the bible intended 1 man+ 1 women 4 life

Warjin(1577) Disputed
3 points

The Bible also says 1 man + 1 Women and 1 Donkey for when your wife is on the rag.

Leviticus 20:15 “ a man shall lie with a donkey if a women is having her sickness : and whosoever toucheth her shall be unclean until the even

1 point

All that I'm going to say is, lay off the meanness dude. I support gay/lesbian marriage, but I'm not gay. We are human. We have rights to do anything, not just follow a book that was made way back then. We can believe in anything, do anything (well, there are some exceptions.), and live a happy life.

Defendtruth(3) Disputed
1 point

Come back after you read Romans 1:26 and Leviticus 20:13.......................

1 point

Just because something is written in the bible does not mean people will obey it. Prove that not only God exists but the biblical God in particular and then that will be a worthy argument.

1 point

True that!

1 point

Whatever floats your boat.

But man+man/woman+woman too whilst you're at it :P

No people should be able to get divorces.