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does doesn't
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 doesn't (3)

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brontoraptor(28599) pic

Oath of citizenship. kneeling for National Anthem violates oath

Seeing that immigrants must take an oath of citizenship renouncing foreign allegiances and declaring allegiance to America, isn't kneeling for the anthem a violation of said oath?


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2 points

Hello bront:

Citizens are FREE to demonstrate.. New ones too.. You didn't know that??? DUDE! No wonder you're a right winger. You don't understand stuff..


Side: doesn't
excon(18261) Clarified
1 point

I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic;

Hello again, bront:

The above is part of the oath new citizens take.. Having taken an oath before, I thought the citizenship oath would say something similar.. And, of course, it DOES..

IF you were in the military, you took an oath VERY similar to the one new citizens take.. You TOO, had to promise to DEFEND the Constitution..

Did you think taking that oath meant that you were giving UP your Constitutional rights??? Seriously... DUDE! Did you think that???


Side: does
2 points

Being loyal to the USA does not curtail the right of naturalized citizens to express their free speech in wishing America to be more just for all persons.

Side: doesn't
2 points

That we have the freedom to kneel, salute, bow our head to our Anthem is what makes America America. Demanding shows of loyalty from its citizens to this country puts us in territory that our nation was not founded on and our military has fought against.

Side: doesn't