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 Obama calls for Gun Control in Wake of Florida Shooting (12)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Obama calls for Gun Control in Wake of Florida Shooting

Former President Barack Obama has already called for gun control in the wake of the Wednesday South Florida school shooting that claimed a confirmed 17 lives and injured over a dozen others.

Obama's pro-gun control tweet sent out on Thursday suggested that those opposed to a crackdown on Second Amendment rights don't care about the country's children.

“Caring for our kids is our first job," Obama wrote. "And until we can honestly say that we’re doing enough to keep them safe from harm, including long overdue, common-sense gun safety laws that most Americans want, then we have to change.

The " Boy King's " tweet

We are grieving with Parkland. But we are not powerless. Caring for our kids is our first job. And until we can honestly say that we're doing enough to keep them safe from harm, including long overdue, common-sense gun safety laws that most Americans want, then we have to change.

In recent years, the Left has replaced the term "gun control" with the more sanitized term "gun safety," as referenced in Obama's tweet.

During the former president's tenure, he routinely used gun tragedies to push for gun control measures !

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3 points

Obama has never had anything useful to say about gun violence whether it's regarding school shootings or the homicide rate in Chicago and that will never change.

We accept armed guards at every bank to protect money.

But for some reason that isn't seen as a good solution to protect kids at schools !

3 points

An a avid Socialist speaks. Obama is not concerned with children they are nothing more than a pawn in the Socialist narrative.The end game for a Socialist like Obama is a full blown Dictatorship and a Brown Shirt police force to confiscate all weapons.

3 points

The man is using a tragedy to promote his boy scout notion that banning guns will stop such atrocities.

Nice France=2016=83 killed by a crazed Muslim in a truck.=Ban trucks.

London 2017=5 killed by mad Muslim in a van=Ban vans.

Australia=1997= introduces strict gun laws

Australia=2000=15 killed in arson attack by Robert Long in Childers, Queensland= ban fire.

Australia=2002=2 killed=MASS SHOOTING in Melbourne by Huan Yun Allen.

Australia,2009,=Churchill, Victoria= 10 killed arson attack by Brendan Sokaluk= ban fire.

Australia2009,5 killed =blunt instrument in North Epping N S W,= ban blunt instruments.

Australia,2011,=11 killed Sydney, N S W, arson attack by Roger Dean=ban fire.

Australia,2014=Rozelle N S W,= 3 killed=arson attack=ban fire.

Australia, 2014= Lockhart 2014, N S W, 5 killed= Mass shooting=ban guns.

Sydney 2014=3 killed in mass shooting by Haron Monis=ban guns.

Australia, Cairns, Queensland.2014=8 killed= mass shooting.

We can clearly see how the banning of guns stops the slaughter of innocent people.

Human filth like Number-Twos and Rusticus will always fond ways to murder and maim innocent men, women and children.

3 points

Northern Ireland, population 1.8 million,70s , 80s and 90s;-total ban on firearms enforced by 25,000 troops, 5,000 part time malita and 15,000 police.

Result, over 3000 murdered in mass shootings and explosions.

WE can see that banning guns was a total success!!!

seanB(950) Disputed
2 points

A group of people fighting against a corrupt and oppressive invading power using weapons covertly smuggled into the country is completely different from a nut-case being able to go into what is effectively a Wal-Mart and legally buy a gun to shoot a bunch of kids.

Context, you fucking moron.

Libs/leftists. We want to have stricter gun laws, and teachers don’t have the right to have them at school!

Do ya’ll realize that this means that they then have to wait for the police WHO HAVE GUNS to come and SHOOT the shooter. Da fuq?

1 point

Teachers don't have the right to have them at school!

Well no, of course they don't. Teachers leaving guns in their classrooms is a form of child endangerment, which they can be arrested for.

Do ya'll realize that this means that they then have to wait for the police

At the school I went to, there was a single police officer responsible for the entire campus. How is that even potentially viable? So, instead of gun control/safety laws, why don't we require schools to have more security? Gun control won't do anything good, and it will most likely increase the number of illegal guns in America. If someone is determined enough, they will obtain a firearm. School shooters and mass shooters have been known to take the path of least resistance, and if they see security outside elementary, middle, and high schools, then they will almost certainly not attack/shoot up that school.

1 point

Adolf Hitler once said: "To conquer a nation, you must first disarm its citizens. Do you want to be conquered?

0 points

7 weeks into the new year and 18 school shootings so far.

Are you really so terrified that you need an AR-15?

Interpreting the 2nd amendment to mean that we have the right to military style weapons and then abusing that right in the way we've become all too familiar with is going to lead to a backlash.

You might find yourself having to live with a strict interpretation of the 2nd amendment that will result in anyone wishing to own a firearm being restricted to the type of weapons that the writers of the 2nd amendment were contemplating when they wrote it - muzzle loading muskets. The founders could never have conceived that one day a single man could hold in his hands the firepower of an entire company or even a regiment of men. Keep insisting on an interpretation of the 2nd amendment that allows military style weapons and you might find yourself holding an armload of muzzle loading muskets - providing you belong to a well regulated militia - because it's become increasingly obvious that you can't control yourselves or your weapons and innocent people including children are being slaughtered as a result.

The American people are fed up with suffering the consequences of your fear and cowardice.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
4 points

Let me ask you something Stupid. Are you ready ?

Armed officers protect a court house , a bank , a casino , an airport and yes a plane but armed officers cannot protect a school ?

Yes listen to the stupid Progressive from Florida that says we cannot turn schools into armed camps yet it's the Progressives that are not the Party of Compassion because the children they claim to want to protect are just a pawn in their game for trying to gun grab!

2 points

Agreed! Your point is correct. But reason will never make sense to some.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
3 points

LMMFAO ! 18 School Shootings ? You puke up what the Progressive Media lies about.

Media Push The Claim There Have Been 18 School Shootings In 2018. Here Are The Facts.

In the wake of the horrific school shooting on Wednesday at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in South Florida, various news outlets, seemingly trying to convince the public that an astronomical number of school shootings have occurred in 2018, promulgated the claim that the Wednesday shooting was the 18th school shooting since January 1, 2018, by running with that narrative at the top of their articles.

Here are some examples:

ABC News: “There have been 18 school shootings in the first 45 days of 2018, according to a nonprofit group.”

New York Daily News: “There have been 18 school shootings so far this year, including one that claimed 17 lives at a Florida public school Wednesday.”

WUSA9: “Within the first couple months of 2018, there have now been 18 school shootings across the United States.”

But that narrative was gleaned from the anti-gun group Everytown for Gun Safety. Here are some facts, in order to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to the facts:

Twice, someone shot themselves on school grounds; one incident, on January 3, featured a man shooting himself in a former school’s parking lot; on January 10 a teen killed himself in an Arizona elementary school bathroom.

Four times, a bullet was fired through a school or dorm’s window: on January 4, a gunshot was fired at a high school in Seattle through an office window; no one was hurt. On January 10, a shot was fired shattering a California State University classroom window. No injuries were reported. The same day, in Texas, a bullet was accidentally fired through a classroom wall at the Grayson College Criminal Justice Center. No one was injured. On January 15, a bullet traveled through a residential hall’s dorm room. No injuries were reported.

On January 25, a Mobile, Alabama, high school student fired a gun on campus. No one was injured. On January 26, in Dearborn, Michigan, shots were fired from a car in a parking lot; no injuries were reported.

On February 5, in Maplewood, Minnesota, a third-grader pulled the trigger on a cop's gun. No one was injured. On February 8, in New York, a shot was fired inside Metropolitan High School. No one was injured.

Here are the cases where someone was injured other than the shooter:

January 22, Italy, Texas: a teenage girl was wounded by shots from a semi-automatic handgun. The same day, in Gentilly, Louisiana, a 14-year-old boy was injured in a shooting. February 1, Los Angeles, California: five children were injured in an accidental shooting. February 5, Maryland: a teenager was shot and injured outside of a high school.

The fatalities:

January 20, Winston-Salem, North Carolina: A football player was shot and killed. January 23, Benton, Kentucky: Two people were killed and another 15 were shot at Marshall County High School. January 31, a fight broke out at a Pennsylvania high school; a 32-year-old man was shot and later died.

So of the 17 “school shootings” before Wednesday’s shooting; three students died; roughly 30-35 were injured.

Those numbers are still more than zero, which is what we would all hope for, but the efforts to paint the latest shooting, which was truly horrible, as a another in a series of mass shootings compressed so closely in time is simply not an accurate reflection of reality.