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 Our children's schools filled with cops, metal detectors, counselors, & do you know why? (10)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Our children's schools filled with cops, metal detectors, counselors, & do you know why?

Have you ever wondered why the answers from the Left concerning the breakdown in our culture(which they refuse to even admit) always revolve around putting more bandaides on the problem rather than addressing the core problem.

Here is an example of what I mean......

Lets say there was a low spot in the grounds at a public park. Year after year people keep falling in the hole and spraining ankles, twisting knees, etc., etc..
What would you say if the park's answer to the problem was hiring more doctors to fix the injuries, hiring more counselors to address the mental well being of those injured, hiring more cops to deal with the anger from all the injuries.

Would you say the park officials are correct in how they have dealt with the problem? Or would you use your brain and say fix the hole in the ground and there will no longer be a need for the extra doctors, counselors, and cops.

This analogy speaks to how the Left deals with the moral break down in our culture. Do they ever address the core reasons for needing metal detectors, counselors and cops in our childrens schools? No, they keep hiring more counselors and cops(that tax payers must pay for) rather than addressing the millions of broken families, the missing fathers, the lack of discipline for our children at home, etc. etc.
These children many times feel depressed and angry from being abandoned. They many times act out their anger in our schools.
They will many times grow up and continue the cycle of broken families.

The Left refuses to address that hole in the ground. Do you know why this is? It is because the only lasting answer to the problem is addressing the immoral culture creating all these broken families. The Left refuses to even utter the words moral values. These are dirty words in their transformed America. They have done all in their power to separate any mention of moral values.

The reason they do this is because in their newly transformed no fault America, there can be no fault in a person's choices in life. There can be no accountability for one's irresponsible choices. We must support them from cradle to grave no matter the chocies creating their many problems.
The Left says moral values are old fashioned rellics from the past. They say speaking to moral values is the same as forcing religion on people. COMPLETE LIE! They ask "whose morals? They say define morals! These people are so lost they can't even define what common sense moral values are.
Let me give you one example of immoral behavior. Having one night stands, getting a woman pregnant, walking away from your child..... THIS IS IMMORAL!!!!!!!! Tax payers should not have to support your child!!!!!!! These immoral choices MUST be addressed. I'm not talking about moral laws! I'm talking about an outcry from our nations leaders, an outcry from the American people. I'm talking about SHAMING the irresponsible behavior putting such a burden on tax payers and debt.

Can you see what this mentality is doing to our nation? Progressives have created an ideology that basically says, the hole in the ground is not the problem. They say we need more case workers, more social workers, more cops, more counselors. This is their answers to our problems.

PLEASE, stop electing these fools who can't even understand the core problem. Kind of like how Obama can't even utter the words Radical Islamic Terrorism. The Left lives in denial of their own ideology.
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2 points

We have security and counselors in schools because we have desperate kids with easy access to weapons and drugs.

We have desperate kids with easy access to weapons and drugs because we have conservatives entrenched in gun rights, constantly doing budget cuts to the schools and to social programs, defending overt and covert racism, making contraception and abortion difficult, and dumbing the public down by pushing religion over science.

KayneOfNod(317) Disputed
2 points

so allowing abortion would get rid of unwanted black kids? Oh right. that was why planned parenthood was founded. A silent genocide of Blacks.


Dumbing down like removing choice from schools so that you have to stay in your feeder pattern even if the school you're assigned to is compleete garbage? oh and lets not forget forcing people to not drop out so that a Highschool diploma is now virtually worthless.


this isn't a single facet problem. but your statement made it seem like every decision the right made was wrong. both sides have some amount of credit, and some amount of detriment, My argument and what I'm seeing of the OP's argument is that we have a culture problem. not a Race, or drug, or education problem. the root cause is that an understanding of Outgroup Homogeneity bias has a tendency to cause Outgroup Homogeneity bias. the only way to get rid of an "US" and "THEM" mentality is by forcing THEM to be like US. which is what schools aim to do. but it instead causes more problems than it solves because the "THEM" have problems with authority.

1 point

I'll agree it's not a single facet problem and my statement painted too broadly.

1 point

FromWithin has only ever discussed putting up a sign around the hole telling people that if they fall in the hole it is their own damn fault. He is not describing fooling in the hole. Sadly he doesn't realize that.

1 point

We have metal detectors in schools because of the kids from Columbine. They had their dads at home.

1 point

FromWithin, You present a strong logically argument I'm impressed with the clarity in how you presented your points. Down the ground we might not agree on an issue but for now I believe you need to be recognized for clear thinking and a well presented argument.

If the "hole" is gun violence then the republicans answer to the problem is not to fill in the hole, its to dig a bunch more holes around the hole and hope that it stops people from falling in the original hole.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Republicans have something to do with violence so you expressed well show that violence as of late and make the ties to the words you have written.

AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

I didnt say republicans themselves are doing violence, but their policies will lead to more violence. They want to increase the amount of guns in circulation. They want to deregulate all guns. Statistically that will increase the amount of gun deaths per year whether it be from mass shootings or accidents and suicides.

1 point

Airports and Court Houses are full of metal detectors. When metal detectors are placed in schools the Democrats just loose their mind. Can any Democrat explain that train of thought.