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Checkmate Not quite
Debate Score:135
Total Votes:155
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 Checkmate (43)
 Not quite (63)

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LizziexLaura(4278) pic

Pro-Abortionists: Is Adoption not an option?

Now I have no stance on this issue but I have noticed that not one person has mentioned adoption to anybody. This relieves the burden of poverty and give a chance for the child, fetus, cluster of cells, or whatever ypu wish to call it. What do you guys think? Is this a huge benefit to the pro-life side and maybe a checkmate or is adoption still not a good enough argument?


Side Score: 53

Not quite

Side Score: 82
2 points

Yes this is check mate. YA!!!. lol but anyway, it makes so much sense instead of denying the fetus at having a life. Maybe you can help out a family.

Side: Checkmate
1 point

I am not proabortion, but I will answer anyway. Adoption is an option.

Side: Checkmate
lupusFati(790) Disputed
1 point

Oh so all the other arguments where you're arguing that it's the woman's choice to murder her offspring were just complete fiction, then. And I'll even write your next post, too.

"I'm prochoice, not proabortion!"


Side: Checkmate
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Present a logical argument or bugger off. .

Side: Not quite

Yeah, it's a option, people. If you regret doing it, it was still a choice. You pick option A, rather then helping a family that can't have kids.

Side: Checkmate
0 points

I chuz this side Lizzie because adoption should be more of a solution and a part of the debate than it usually is. Good job on the topic.

However, you are soon going to see why it's a non starter. Women have abortions for many reasons... and some are not too pleasant to talk about. Women who get pregnant with another man while having an affair, for example. Selfish reasons like not wanting to see themselves like that, etc.

It's not as simple as it seems. Though I do still think it could be or should be considered more than it is.

Side: Checkmate
Chuz-Life(497) Clarified
1 point

Since no-one else is talking about it. I just want to say how cool it is that we have some adopted members of our family and some by friends. My wife and I had considered it too before we became caregivers to my grandmother and later our parents. (hers and mine).

Side: Checkmate

Thank you for adding your personal message into the debates. Pathos can be a powerful boost to your argument.

Side: Checkmate
3 points

The women would still have to go through birth which is a painful experience with a chance of death.

Side: Not quite
1 point

I know, right? Even a c section has risks. .

Side: Not quite
1 point

Approximately 10% of women undergoing induced abortion suffer from immediate complications, of which one-fifth (2%) were considered major. That's risky! Your beter off not killing your child.

Side: Checkmate

Does abortion have the same risk? Is it a risky procedure? Or is it pretty safe? I am just wondering.

Side: Not quite

Abortion clinics have very low standereds. Your beter off going to a nice clean hospital to have a kid. You can get some nasty stuff at a abortion clinic.

Side: Checkmate

Abortion is like hitting CTRL-Z. Adoption is letting a virus spread on purpose and hoping that another program will be able to take care of it.

Side: Not quite

Okay. I see your view and stance. I have a question though. What are the down sides of abortion and adoption on a comparative scale? Which out ways the other in positive and negatives ways?

Side: Not quite

One problem with adoption is supply and demand. If your baby is adopted, that means another baby out there didn't get adopted. There aren't enough people out there to adopt everyone.

Side: Not quite
1 point

You can't ctrl+z a virus. You have no choice but to remove it via a program.

Side: Checkmate
1 point

His syntax is implying that the function CTRL+Z is a function that undoes the very last thing you did. He is saying that hoping a program will handle the virus is like adoption but he is not comparing the two.

Side: Not quite

You can CTRL-Z after you realize your mistake, before you download the virus.

Side: Checkmate
1 point

Honestly, for me, no. It doesn't change anything about the fact the woman still is forced to have the baby.

This means 9 months of growing the baby, which includes sickness, weight gain, cramps, hormone changes, cravings, and is just generally painful. Then there's the actual birth of the baby, which I'm told is the most painful thing ever.


okay, for this part, I copied and pasted a previous argument regarding abortion and adoption, because I'm too lazy to write a new one. XD


And not only the mother, what about the child? Most adoption agencies are overrun with children anyway, and if the child does get adopted, won't (s)he wonder all their life about their birth parents? Not only that, there can be major side effects of being in foster care all your life. [ Read here: 4869628emotional-effects-children-foster-care.html ]

(NOTE: I'm not trying to imply that adoption is a bad idea, I'm just stating some side effects.)


Also, I'm not pro-abortion, I'm pro-choice! XD

Side: Not quite
kozlov(1754) Disputed
2 points

"This means 9 months of growing the baby, which includes sickness, weight gain, cramps, hormone changes, cravings, and is just generally painful."

There are many things which are painful. For instance, existence! Pregnancy is one of those things in life which has its drawbacks, but it also has its befits.

Side: Checkmate
hannah165(523) Disputed
1 point

That is true.

But is it right for the government to force a woman to go through this pain when it can be avoided?

Side: Not quite

Oh I know you arent pro abortion. I just thought that this title would attract more serious debaters such as yourself. I know you are pro-choice and I never really use this term pro-abortion. I just want to learn about both sides of the abortion debate when it comes to adoption.

Side: Not quite

Stop calling us pro-abortionists.

Where not fighting for abortion, we are fighting for the right to choose.

Pro-life is called pro-life because you support life and you want all fetuses to have the right to live.

If we called ourselves pro-abortion, then we would want all fetuses to be aborted, and that's not what I want, and I believe pretty much all other pro-choicers feel the same way.

We want women to feel free to live their life as they want to, so I insist you all call us pro-choicers, not pro-abortionists.

That said, now to the question.

I think adoption is a very good answer. I think all people should do that instead of abortion, because it is a wiser and healthier choice.

If I gave you the cutest kitten in the world to play with you, but I told you that you would only have it for nine months, then I would give it to somebody else - wouldn't a part of you wish that you never got the kitten in the first place, so you didn't have to first bond with it and then deal with the misery of losing it?

Forcing everybody to chose adoption instead of abortion is cool for those who ave the courage to do it, but not all people have this courage.

When you go to an adoption agency, and tell them that you're pregnant and you want to give the baby to a loving family, they will find tons of couples for you to choose from. Then you choose someone and you have a talk and blablabla.

Then suddenly it is time for you to give birth, and as soon as you see the baby you can't give it away.

So the result is, the couple who was really optimistic about your pregnancy, and excited and looking forward to becoming parents are now CRUSHED because now all of a sudden you changed your mind.

You are stuck with a baby you probably can't afford or aren't ready for, because if you choose adoption the reason you do it is most of the times because you can't give it a pleasant home, you don't have money or you are physically or mentally unstable.

This is how adoption goes about 75% of the time, and in my opinion things would be less dramatic if the baby never got to live. No one would miss it, people will in time forget that you were ever pregnant, and the baby would never get to life just as it wouldn't have if you just used a condom.

Side: Not quite

But you are for abortion in certain cases right? I am only talking to the pro abortionists. If you believe abortion should be allowed you are technically for it. If you are pro choice that implies that you are for the allowance of abortions. If it means this much to you I will change the debate title.

Side: Not quite

I'm pro-choice because when I get pregnant, I want to chose whether or not I will abort it.

I am not pro-abortion because I don't want to be forced to aborting my child when I get pregnant

I am not pro-life, because I don't want to be forced to have my child when I get pregnant.

I am pro-choice, do not call me pro-abortion, because that is not what I am.

I don't go on the streets and say ''Hey, let's all have abortions''

You on the other hand go on and say ''hey let's give all fetuses life''

that's what makes you pro-life.

I don't WANT abortion. I wish no one would chose it because it would be much better without it. But the world isn't ideal.

Don't change the title, I just want people to know that we are called pro-choicers.

Side: Not quite
0 points

Support. I wouldn't change it if it were me, Lizzie - because it is what it is. However, I can see that it's taking away from your debate, so I can see why you might want to change it.

Side: Not quite
kozlov(1754) Disputed
2 points

In fighting for "the right to choose" you are fighting for abortion, end of story!

Also, really... What is the difference between aborting a baby and giving him/her away for adoption. Earthier way, you are walking away from the child, adoption is just more humane.

Side: Checkmate
shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

In fighting for "the right to choose" you are fighting for abortion, end of story!

That's like saying fighting for abortion to be illegal is fighting for greater reproduction.

I am fighting for the right to choose. I don't WANT abortion, I think it is a horrible thing, but sometimes it is just necessary.

No one has ever said, hey let's have an abortion.

No one has ever said, oh I forgot my condoms, can't you just get an abortion?

I just want the right to choose, you can say I fight for abortion as much as you want, you don't change my belief's - you're only exposing yourself with denial of my true opinion.

Side: Checkmate
7thDebater(294) Disputed
1 point

What? There is a big difference between aborting a baby and putting it up for adoption. First of all, if you abort it no longer exists and if you put up for adop then it lives! Also, you may be walking away but the child will join someone else's life. At least the child will have a chance to live and have a family if you don't abort. Also the child may have an impact on the world. So, adoption is not at all like abortion.

Side: Not quite
Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
0 points

You are a proponent for keeping voluntary abortions legal.

True or False?

If you answered TRUE - it is that and that alone which makes you pro-abortion.

Deal with it.

Side: Checkmate
1 point

I'm pro-choice because when I get pregnant, I want to chose whether or not I will abort it.

I am not pro-abortion because I don't want to be forced to aborting my child when I get pregnant

I am not pro-life, because I don't want to be forced to have my child when I get pregnant.

I am pro-choice, do not call me pro-abortion, because that is not what I am.

I don't go on the streets and say ''Hey, let's all have abortions''

You on the other hand go on and say ''hey let's give all fetuses life''

that's what makes you pro-life.

I don't WANT abortion. I wish no one would chose it because it would be much better without it. But the world isn't ideal - Deal with it!!

Side: Not quite

So you force a woman to go through 9 months of pregnancy for an option... What?

Side: Not quite

No I just want to hear what people think about the topic of adoption in the abortion debate.

Side: Not quite
1 point

Shit, wrong side. .

Side: Not quite
1 point

As overpopulated as we are already, I'd rather see less kids up for adoption or with nowhere to go. If you don't want to have the baby, abort it. It's better than putting the burden of your child on everyone else.

Side: Not quite
Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
1 point

The problem is.... if you are pregnant, you already have the baby (child) and then there is this pesky thing call basic human rights that the child (children) should be entitled to.

Side: Checkmate
Akulakhan(2984) Disputed
1 point

You damn well know you are insinuating that a fetus is the same thing as a child when it isn't. It's a fetus. With no thoughs. About as aware of its own existence as the eggs I had for breakfast.

Side: Not quite
link6065(740) Disputed
1 point

Actually, when you are a fetus, you have no birth certificate +citizenship papers or records which makes you a citizen of your nation and that entitles you to those rights. Fetus have no rights.

Side: Not quite
1 point

Fortunately adoption will always be an option. However, it isn't a checkmate solution.

Side: Not quite
1 point

Are you honestly suggesting that every would-be abortion can simply be put in an adoption home?? No, they can't all be.

Besides, does no one ever think of third world countries?

Side: Not quite
1 point

Sure it is, but the woman still has to carry through with the pregnancy for 9 months, deal with the changes in her body, and she'll of course have grown an emotional attachment to her child. Oh and giving birth isn't rainbows and butterflies.

I've already considered adoption rather than abortion, but I'm still thinking abortion is the better choice because of those reasons. ^

Side: Not quite