
Debate Info

Red pill Blue pill
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Red pill (3)
 Blue pill (4)

Debate Creator

HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Red pill or blue pill?

The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are pop culture symbols representing the choice between embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality (red) and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue) .

Red pill

Side Score: 3

Blue pill

Side Score: 5

Red pill, because no truth is painful to me. GIVE ME THE TRUTH.

Side: Red pill
1 point

Ignorance and delusion are their own pain and inflict their own suffering, though we are generally not aware of the source. Because one is not aware of the ignorance or chooses to overlook it, the suffering continues. With the truth one will likely experience discomfort and potentially pain, however both are a recognition of what lies latent within and with such recognition the pain may be actually addressed.

Side: Red pill
1 point

I don't want to become a Democrat.

Side: Red pill

In the movie, The Matrix, the hero takes the blue pill. He wakes up, after years of being attached to a machine that provides everything for him, and he has to exercise and get in shape in order to continue with the rest of the movie and I hate exercise so..., I'd take the blue pill and stay hooked up to the machine ;)

Side: Blue pill

Blue pill, as an agent of the system I prefer the prisoners to be fully under my control and watch......

Side: Blue pill
1 point

If i had the choice, and i had no acknowledgement of my past red pill experiences; i'd choose blue. When you live the life of red, the path of blue is what we see as true pain, we see that path is blindness. Although if you lived the path of blue, you'd be ignorant. No acknowledgement of the truth, and no acknowledgement of your ignorance. That is the life of bliss, false pleasure.

Side: Blue pill

A blue pill has better potential and can bring happiness.

Side: Blue pill