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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 I agree (2)
 Not agree (6)

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gratedebator(283) pic

Religion for Atheists

Ok, so atheists, religion can be deciphered as symbolic and still carry the same message in our hearts!

the devil personifies mans ego and sinful nature.

And god represents humility and self sacrifice.

Thats all it is really. 

Just make sure you choose the best side ;) 

I agree

Side Score: 2

Not agree

Side Score: 7
1 point

Religion for atheists ?? .. happens all the time ...

Side: I agree
2 points

I have no idea how the title and description are relevant to each other.

Side: Not agree
1 point

Umm, I don't see what it is I'm agreeing or disagreeing with.

Going by your definition, I'd side with god.

The problem is, I don't have any evidence to believe either of these. Belief is not something you can choose on a whim.

Also, atheists can be religious. Look at Buddhism.

Also, there is more than one religion.

Side: Not agree
1 point

Its simple, man is filled with selfish desires to increase his earthly treasures which will just turn to dust, but the power of energy, lasts foreverrrrrrr

Side: I agree
1 point

Only morons need religions to live .

Side: Not agree

What you are describing could just be some good fiction instead of a religion. Thousands of novels have come and gone with protagonists and antagonists and fairly obvious morals. The majority don't get treated as religion.

Religions generally have a few other things going on. Things that cannot be proven, so they rely on faith. Typically these things involve souls, afterlives, alternate realms....all of which are created to comfort us in the face of imminent death, but so often also intend to instill in us a fear of the afterlife too, in hopes of guiding our actions.

Side: Not agree
1 point

More than humility and self sacrifice, god symbolically represents salvation for the sinner. The notion that human beings must be saved from their intrinsically "wrong" (i.e., sinful) selves by an external force of redemption is a fundamental baseline in religion, and in so doing it denies the internal capacity for human beings to realize their equally intrinsic "good" selves. Not only is this untrue, but it disconnects us from our personal capacity towards preferential thought and action (i.e. we are not "good" because we are as such, but because "god" enables us to be so).

Even were this not the case and your gross oversimplification of religious symbolism held true, I would still object to the devil/bad-god/good dichotomy it creates. I do not believe in good and evil, let alone that they stand in contradiction to one another.

In short: no, your religious beliefs do not translate even symbolically into my perspective.

Side: Not agree

There are Christians who do not believe that atheists are evil.

Side: Not agree