
Debate Info

Debate Score:26
Total Votes:27
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addltd(5144) pic


This is the Forty-Third in an ongoing series of spotlight debates. The purpose of the debate is to "roast" the user (and when I say "roast", I mean in a nice way). Please share all the good, humorous, and otherwise positive aspects about this important user of our community. Don't worry, I will be creating one of these every few days so your name may show up next!



Forty-Second in the series - Ismaila -


Forty-Fourth in the series - Cynical -

Add New Argument
3 points

Well, she's a play it cool, sensible lady on create debate, something which you don't find often! She writes sensible, well though out arguments, and, well, deserves to be on the spotlight series.

I like Elvira she seems generally non-confrontational and chill. So far my interactions with her has seemed alright. She seems to have the least drama here and has not as much of a steak in anything here.

1 point

You seem interesting. Give me a holler. :)

I like her picture(s). I'd like to see more of her. Oh..., wait..., is that sexist? Dammit ;)

1 point

She is the non-conformist, anti-everything-normal girl. Yay for uniqueness! Yay for bazaaro! I applaud and celebrate her twisted mind.

1 point

Everybody's being really nice so far :)

Thank you!

1 point

Best CD newbie to date.

1 point

I see an award in her future !

1 point

Elvira is more chillax than a other female members on this forum. cough cough. And although Elvira and I have disagreed over many subjects, she is still someone whom I do no mind debating with. So, thank you Elvira.

what the hell? why does srom and this chick have the same avatar? its confusing and stupid.

The Phantom(453) Clarified
1 point

They don't. .

RandomDude(1286) Disputed
1 point

very similar then.

Elvira(3446) Clarified
1 point

Srom's looks like it's from a game, mine is by an artist named Elvenstar.

And I detest being called a chick, btw.

sorry about that sweetheart

1 point

She's pretty damn awesome, actually. Always finding the questions which make the arguments unstable and corner them. And proposing some interesting theories. :)

I havent argued with her directly but by looking at her past posts she is pretty calm and nice so I'd say she is awesome. I like her.

1 point

One of the awesome post. You have done best job by sharing such an important post with us.


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1 point

This spotlight series is good. People can participate in it by using the arguments. To get the link we can look at this website and use the best services that provide the results. I saw many people are searching for such ideas to get help and get involved in the humorous content.