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Debate Score:34
Total Votes:35
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outlaw60(15368) pic

Sharia Law

Would you vote for a Muslim presidential candidate that supported Sharia Law ?


Side Score: 16


Side Score: 18
1 point

At least they know what their religion actually means and are not a politically correct diluted deformed Muslim who says 'we are a religion of peace' when their very book involves stoning, abuse of women and homophobia throughout.

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

So you support SHARIA LAW is this right ? You are a Leftist so this is not surprising

Side: No
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

Muslim nations are as capitalist as it gets.

Nonetheless, I support a Muslim representing Sharia Law because it shows they understand the true horror of their religion rather than the fakers.

Side: Yes
2 points

The insidious Islamization of the west is well under way and this is reflected right here by the submissive acceptance as shown in some of answers. Arranged marriages, the mutilation of the female genitals, fathers murdering their own daughters for, what they decide is immoral behaviour, ( i.e., dating a non Muslim= an infidel ) and killing those of a deviant sexual orientation. These are just some of the barbaric requirements for those abiding by Sharia law. When a stronger but alien species is artificially introduced into a country or environment the weaker indigenous strain is ousted and replaced by the more aggressive and sturdier new comer. Not only do we poor old dummies not even have the wit to see what's happening, but we actually encourage the process.

Side: No

Never! Sharia Law calls for the execution of homosexuals.

Side: No
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

Frankly, that's the least of the problems with it.

Side: Yes
1 point

He is looking out for himself, though. :)

Side: Yes

I would never vote for a Muslim because they don't believe in separation church and state. I think christians are too conservative - they don't hold stick to muslims

Side: No
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

They do support separation of Church and State.

Mosques are not churches. :)

Side: Yes
Kalamazoo(333) Disputed
2 points

In Islamic countries the Muslim faith and governments are intrinsically linked. Mosques are the holy buildings in which those of the Muslim religion worship their man made god. Have you spent most of your life living on the moon? Even the dogs in the street know of the marriage between the State and the Islamic Religion.

Side: No
1 point

I would support a Muslim that supported the Constitution. S/HE could NOT support Sharia Law AND the Constitution. It would have to be a liberal Muslim that would reject his religions antiquities and move forward (progress), into the 21st century. We are unlikely to find a Muslim willing to do that, hell, we can't find many Christians willing to do that! However, if we DID, s/he has every right to BE President, as long as s/he is an American citizen, like Obama.

I would hope S/HE would place his/her hand on the Constitution and swear to uphold IT, rather than on the Qur'an! I would rather see ALL Presidents swear on the Constitution, then you would KNOW what they consider "the law".

Side: No
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

Stop saying s/he, it would be a guy if it was a Muslim supporting Sharia law.

Side: Yes
1 point

If he proposes sharia law, which in my own words a stupid , delusional thing to do, anyways in reality no one would vote for him (obviously). And in the "IF" part, then hes going to be violating freedom of speech (inside sharia law, its wrong to blaspheme allah) and I can go on disproving this law.

Side: No