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It's about darn time! Are you kidding me?
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:14
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 It's about darn time! (2)
 Are you kidding me? (6)

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Qymosabi(203) pic

Should there be a white folks appreciation day?

Is it time for the world to pause and acknowledge apperciation for the accomplishments of white folks? I mean there's black history month but what about white history for christs sake!

It's about darn time!

Side Score: 3

Are you kidding me?

Side Score: 8
1 point

As an American who believes that there should be no double standard in the united states, be it sex, race, or religion, yes white folks should get a there own day. In addition, all other races should be a day to celebrate their heritage. In fact, how about a month? That's how long African Americans get, why not everybody else.

in reality, every minority and ethnic background can't have an equal amount of time to celebrate their pigment color. But, fair is fair is it not?

Side: It's about darn time!

isnt that what christmas is? hehehe >.>

Side: It's about darn time!
2 points

Why have any day dedicated to honoring someone's skin color and their accomplishments in relevance to their skin color?

If we are going to have a day which appreciates a group's appearance, make it a general holiday where people acknowledge the beauty and acceptance of every person. And then another day to acknowledge what everyone has accomplished.

Side: Are you kidding me?
2 points

There should be no reason for a black history month, if history was taught properly then all races would be included and no need to segregate one races history to a month.

Side: Are you kidding me?
1 point

Naaaah, perhaps there should be one called "mut day" so I can have an appreciation day, for I am not white, I'm exotic. :D

Side: Are you kidding me?
0 points

We need to abolish any sort of separation between the races. Black history month and other like programs and organizations only drive a wedge between the white man and the black man. Blacks have equality and if anything more freedom than the white person. We need to have unified appreciation days: days that remember the joining of two races.

Side: Are you kidding me?
1 point

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Side: Are you kidding me?
camisado1337(2) Disputed
1 point

The support statement is actually a dispute statement. sorry about that. This one's just to even it out.

Side: Are you kidding me?