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Debate Score:19
Total Votes:20
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Binkle(28) pic

Should they tax overtime over 40 hours?


Side Score: 12


Side Score: 7
2 points

I argue yes. I hate paying taxes, but even more so I hate going without the things taxes pay for. Second, if this were to be implemented, there would have to be a system in place of determining taxable versus non taxable hours, and you just know that's going to make the process of filing your tax return much more efficient, both for employees and employers. Third, it's not somehow the government's fault or problem that you're working overtime.

What we need to do instead is figure out how to cut wasteful spending out of government, and this starts with our military. Keep recruiting, but overhaul our supply system so we're not spending ridiculous amounts of money on items such as screws, which are not worth a hundred/ a thousand/ ten grand apiece. Bring troops home, make the transition process/ VA benefits more streamlined and cut through the bureaucracy, and put the board members of Lockheed Martin behind bars for robbery of the taxpayer in the form of the F35. Sue the company into nonexistence as a warning to others.

Side: Yes
5 points

Should they tax overtime over 40 hours?

For everyone but me? Yes.

Side: No
Knowledge87(1) Disputed
1 point

Working overtime is nothing less than a sacrifice we make in attempt to get ahead. Maybe tax the employer for his need of extra manpower

Side: No
1 point

Hello B:

If there's a shortfall in federal funds, the government should raise the capital gains taxes on the RICH, and not tax the poor for their overtime..

You DO know the rich pay only 12% for the increases in their wealth, whereas you, the regular guy, pay around 25%


Side: No
Bronto(2002) Disputed
5 points

Right. And it's common sense to give corporations that make your city, state or country better incentives to stay and continue to bolster your city, state or country.

If their presence means your life is better, and them making some coin happens, and their stocks that you can buy go up, and your 401k goes up, you still win.

Notice that Trump's tax cut was a "cut", yet made us more money than without said cut.

Side: Yes
Bronto(2002) Disputed
5 points

It's Official: Trump Tax Cuts Are Boosting Growth And Paying For Themselves for-themselves/

Side: Yes