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Debate Score:5
Total Votes:6
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 Yes and why (2)
 No and why (3)

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DrKarlyn(66) pic

Should we get our tax dollars back if schools do not reopen?

Yes and why

Side Score: 2

No and why

Side Score: 3
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1 point

Should we get our tax dollars back if schools do not reopen?

Hello D:

Nahhh... Teaching hasn't stopped. It's the BUILDINGS that are out of fashion. We're in new times.. Things we used to do, we ain't gonna do anymore. At the very least, we're gonna do them differently..

School won't be in buildings. It'll be online. People working from home will STAY working from home.. Office buildings are out of fashion too. We ain't gonna eat in restaurants any more. We'll order delivery. Yes, those buildings are also out of fashion.. We're probably not gonna be eating much meat. Meat processing plants are DEFINITELY out of fashion..

Hey.. Maybe we should turn the school buildings into robot operated meat processing plants..


Side: No and why
NSA3(21) Disputed
1 point

Nahhh... Teaching hasn't stopped. It's the BUILDINGS that are out of fashion. We're in new times.. Things we used to do, we ain't gonna do anymore. At the very least, we're gonna do them differently..

Imagine how far behind the Democratic Party will be once it hasn't used universities for years as leftist temples to indoctrinate kids.

Side: Yes and why
1 point

Imagine how far behind the Democratic Party will be once it hasn't used universities for years as leftist temples to indoctrinate kids.

Yes, how dare universities indoctrinate kids with facts!!! We need to stamp this dissent out quickly, Herr Bronto. I suggest opening 4,000 accounts on a low traffic debate site and using them to spam the internet with ridiculously absurd neo-Nazi propaganda. Are you in???

Side: No and why
1 point

No. Teachers and teaching is still ongoing, the method of learning and location has changed.

Side: No and why