
Debate Info

Subway!! Mcdonald's
Debate Score:42
Total Votes:49
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 Subway!! (17)
 Mcdonald's (10)

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arataii(95) pic

Subway or Mcdonald's?


Side Score: 27


Side Score: 15
3 points

Subway!! You get to see the sub getting made and you know what's in it. Subway is way healthier and I can go there without feeling guilty.

Side: Subway!!
3 points

When I eat McDonald's, I feel gross. Also, the only time I ever go there anymore is to sober up after a party. But Subway isn't that great either. I just like it more than McDonald's.

Side: Subway!!
2 points

I am all for liberty and all that palaver. However, subway is better for the reasons someone else stated in that u see what is being made(no chance of spitting without being caught) and it is fresh. In terms of healthiness, they are as bad as each other, it is just for the fact that subway has cleverly marketed themselves as being the health option that people believe this. I am quite sure science would prove that they are as bad as each other.

I used to complain to one of my colleagues that there was no healthy food store/shop around, till i decided to make my own food and only eat fruit when i'm out and about.

P.S. Ms Marie, i know i am not your dad, friend or whatever, but bear in mind. "A second on the lips, a lifetime on the hips". Just one for u to consider!

Side: Subway!!

Subway is much more superior than McDonald's.---------------

Side: Subway!!

Subway is the best because their deals and price are worth buying what the are selling when you want a full meal and its better for you


Side: Subway!!
1 point

Good, fast, and good for you.

That and since I can watch them make it, I know whats going into my food. Opposed to sneaking a peak at the Mcdonald's kitchen and seeing a bunch of machines making everything and people just standing around.

Side: Subway!!

You can take the subway to work, Wait.... are we talking the same thing :)

Side: Subway!!
1 point

It seems healthier though I doubt so.-------------------------------------------------------

Side: Subway!!
1 point

Definitely Subway !!! It's healthy and super good! i love the turkey on white bread with provolone !!

Side: Subway!!

wherever you eat it is not as healthy as you would like but subway is deficiently better than MacDonald's

Side: Subway!!
1 point

Subway Subway ALLL the way!!! Mcs has dominated the world thanks to globalisation and given rise to an incresing trend of does fall under the category of junk food and overconsumption has also been encouraged because of their cheaper upsized menus.subway offers a more healtheir choice with fresher ingredents and more healtier options. Go SUBWAY! wohooooo!!

Side: Subway!!
1 point

Subway is the best it has more nutrition's than McDonald's if u put fries or burgers on a brown paper towel it will show u mostly all the grease and they use plastic bags because if the use brown ones it would leak all the grease in it and i know cause i tried it before so Ha!

Side: Subway!!
1 point

Subway!! You get to see the sub getting made and you know what's in it. Subway is way healthier and I can go there without feeling guilty.

Side: Subway!!
0 points


I am Mercy,I visited your page today and i really want to have some personal words with you. We may be friends because it will help us to know ourself better.Send me a mail on([email protected]) and i will send you my photo.


Side: Subway!!
3 points

Double Cheeseburger with extra ketchup over a submarine with mustard and meat any day.

Side: Mcdonald's
arataii(95) Disputed
1 point

You don't even want to know how many calories are in a Double Cheeseburger... it should make you lose your appetite. Subway has many different toppings besides mustard and meat.

Side: Subway!!
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

430 calories. I eat two at a time.

I walk a lot.

Side: Mcdonald's
KatieMarie(288) Disputed
1 point

It dont matter how many calories it has. You see my figure and my face? Most girls would kill for it or go through extreme plastic surgery to look like me. My secret is that I never count calories, never. My motto is: The more grease it takes to cook it, the better the taste. Mc donalds has more toppings to. Ketchup, mayonnaise, honey mustard, bbq, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onions. Yummy!!!!!

Side: Mcdonald's
Lockjawx27(25) Disputed
1 point

In case you didn't notice, subway sandwhiches can have alot of calories too. Everything has calories. Just because subway markets Jared and calls their foood healthy doesn't mean anything

A footlong sub can have plenty more calories than most burgers at mcdonalds. If you think your doing yourself a favor by eating nothing but subway, your mistaken

Ill stick with the mcdonalds chicken select strips, screw the gut busting subs

Side: Mcdonald's
2 points

2 big mac's, large order of fries, and a large chocolate mcflury......... It may be heart attack heaven but its my heaven........ Yummy!

Side: Mcdonald's
2 points

It really depends on how I feel. I tend to like McDonald's more, though. I know that it's very unhealthy, but it's good. I don't like any of their beef, either, I only eat the chicken.

Side: Mcdonald's
1 point

every morning i drop by Macdonald's because i can get some coffee that i prefer. the price is very reasonable and taste is really good. also, i usually have lunch like Big Mac set. there is the widest selection of bugurs compared with Subway. i know both of them are unhealthy. however, if i have to choose one between Macdonald's and Subway, i would like to choose Macdonald's. I luv Macdonald's.

Side: Mcdonald's
1 point

subway employees were rude to me:( when it was my first time do i HAVE to go with MC Donald's...sorry subway

Side: Mcdonald's

I prefer McDonald's for their french fries. Also, I do their hamburgers.

Side: Mcdonald's