
Debate Info

YES!!! NO!!!
Debate Score:45
Total Votes:65
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 YES!!! (10)
 NO!!! (16)

Debate Creator

aedm(104) pic

Support Gay love? NOT marrige.

Has nothing to do with gay marrige,just love. This is a dead serious debate no jokes, i am not putting any one down, its just a debate.


Side Score: 22


Side Score: 23
3 points


I mean, I support a black person's right to go swimming... I mean, just not the pool I'm in know what I mean...

(wink wink I'm a hateful bastard who is too immersed in an ideology to realize I'm being a hateful bastard so somehow I have justified treating one group of people differently than another on the basis of separate but equal even though history and logic have proven this to be an inherent fallacy and I'm going to look like a total douche to my grandkids because by then everyone will realize how fucking retarded it is to not let gay people do whatever the hell they want)

know what I'm sayin' ._.

Side: idiotic
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

I get the feeling you are talking about me?

Anyways, that is all assuming that being gay and being black is the same thing. It is not.

Side: NO!!!
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
3 points

Maybe you got the feeling he was talking about you because on some level that's how you feel about yourself.

And you're right, being gay and being black is not the same thing. But both groups have been treated very similarly by essentially the same types of people.

If you continue to ignore that, you're only fooling yourself.

Side: YES!!!

Yes. Absolutely. They have the same rights as everyone else to look, find and be happy.

Side: YES!!!
1 point

Yeah I don't see why people can't do and feel what they wan't. This is america.

I just get pissed when people cry and whine about prop 8. People voted and marriage was defined as between a man and a woman. End of story. You don't think it's fair? Leave America.

But this debate is about peoples feelings, yeah I don't care. Do what you want.

Side: YES!!!
Constant(28) Disputed
3 points

You do realize that Prop. 8, like all laws, can be repealed through legislative or judicial action? If a law isn't considered "fair", it can be overturned by another proposition, a law passed by the state legislature, a decision by the state judiciary, or action by the Federal legislature or judiciary.

Whining, complaining, campaigning, and voting are how people deal with things in a democratic country. I am sorry that gay people offend you with their desire for laws that reflect their needs and desires.

I am pretty sure that Prop. 8 only came into existence because of the whining and complaining on the part of Conservatives who didn't like what the judiciary decided.

I don't think it's fair that one group of people has to leave while the other enjoys constitutional rights of speech and democratic action.

Side: YES!!!
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
3 points

Maybe because people expect America to be more free than that.

I mean, we fight against bills that try to ban guns or censor radio. What if the people vote in a ban against guns? Would someone like me who says that it's wrong just be whining?

If they ban tobacco and alcohol, or violent video games, is it just whining if we say that it isn't fair?

America is land of the FREE, not what the Moral majority thinks.

Jefferson feared the religious and their influence over our policies. We can see where it comes into play the most. Your beliefs aren't bad, it's your force of beliefs onto the rest of the country that is.

Side: NO!!!
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

You're right.

The more I think about it, the more I start to lean towards everything you just said.

Side: YES!!!
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
2 points

Yeah, people can have opinions that differ from yours, cause it's America...

You just get pissed when they start to talk about them too loudly....

Side: NO!!!
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

You may be right but everyone is guilty of that. Wouldn't you say.

For the record I took back what I said before.

Side: YES!!!
1 point

if only all slaves, women, and anyone who ever had a gripe about america just left - i'm sure that would be the right solution rather than change unjust laws.

PS - I'm sure you never complain about taxation, etc - right?

Side: NO!!!
2 points

I don't see why I have to support anything.

The only thing I support is the "who gives a fuck" policy. Do w/e you want, cause I don't give a fuck.

But don't bother me with your "support __ __" causes. I don't care about your stupid cause.

Side: NO!!!

Why not... just support without limits?

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: NO!!!
1 point

gays are gay and should not be allowed to show their gayness in public or in private ceremonies that people could see

Side: NO!!!
1 point

If gays were ok then they would be accepted by the publis majority but the fact that they show thier affection in front of kids who might not know anything is wrong because they could make a little kid think that is how life is supposed to be and if they did and they all turned gay how would we keep populations up and thriving

Side: NO!!!

equal taxation - unequal representation!!

Any questions??

Side: NO!!!

-gay couples pay the same in social security taxes, but are not allowed to have spousal benefits of social security

-gay couples pay the same in state and federal tax, but they are treated differently by the public courts, the IRS, and government agencies.

-gay couples cannot get spousal healthcare if they work for federal government or state government in a state that does not recognize their marriage.

-gay couples do not have many tax privileges including transfer of personal property, filing joint tax returns, etc.

-married couples do not have to testify against each other in court

-gay couples pay the same in payroll taxes but do not have the same work benefits – including FMLA, bereavement leave, etc.

-spouses of military veterans have many benefits that gay couples do not have though an openly gay person is also not allowed to serve in the military – they are allowed to fight and die in the military as heroes– unless anyone finds out they are gay – then they are discharged

-not to mention benefits that are automatically conveyed to married couples that gay couples have to get lawyers and file documents to try and obtain (hospital visitation, inheritance, etc.)

-not all 'benefits' are positive either - marriage would come with the responsibilities like alimony/palimony, child support, joint debt ownership, etc., requirements to disclose conflicts of interest

-the GAO did a survey of benefits that provided by just the Federal government and found 1,138 benefits, rights and privileges. This does not include state and employer specific benefits of marriage

Supporting Evidence: GAO Report (
Side: NO!!!

i think there are many people here are voting "Yes" while supporting gay marriage, and saying "No" to basically gay-bash. The way I read the question

Yes-would mean support gays but not gay marriage

No- would mean support gay marriage

for those who basically think gay people have cudies etc. - you may want to use a different tag (P.S. - there is already one for 'idiotic' just waiting for you.)

Side: NO!!!
-1 points

That is disgusting.

You shouldn't enter in the exits.

Side: NO!!!
jessald(1915) Disputed
2 points

Not sure if you're joking or not, but I just thought I'd point out that the vagina is a exit... for urine and babies :)

Thus, by your logic we should never have sex ever.

Side: YES!!!
-1 points

Gays are nothing more than sick soddomite faggitts!!!. It is sick It is gross It is disgusting. This is what America has come to~! You want to have that kind of relationship, fine. Don't be out in public sucking face in front of my kidds and family. Most married couples (man and woman)hint~! don't even do that in public. They have that kind of decency. Most faggitts do it in public in front of children and on purpose. ~! V

Side: NO!!!
Constant(28) Disputed
3 points

I am sorry to hear that most gays are kissing directly in front of your children. At the last meeting of the International Gay Alliance, we discussed our laws on kissing in public. From 1996-2009 we've had a policy of "1 kiss a month, in front of children". That was our minimum amount of kissing in front of children.

However, at the beginning of 2010 we are changing the policy to "1 kiss and two hugs a month, in front of children and old people". This should relieve the pressure on your kids, because we can kiss/hug in front of either children or old people.

I expect at least a 50% reduction in gays acting gay in front of you and your family. I hope that satisfactory.

If not, please call the Gay Service Hotline: 1-800-GAYNUSA

Side: YES!!!
-1 points

Gays are nothing more than sick sodomite fagots!!!. It is sick It is gross It is disgusting. This is what America has come to~! You want to have that kind of relationship, fine. Don't be out in public sucking face in front of my kidds and family. Most married couples (man and woman)hint~! don't even do that in public. They have that kind of decency. Most fagots do it in public in front of children and on purpose. ~! V

Side: NO!!!