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 The Clinton Crime Foundation And Monies Received From Muslim Countries (18)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

The Clinton Crime Foundation And Monies Received From Muslim Countries

 The Clinton Crime Foundation has taken 25.5 million dollars from countries that kill and imprison gays !
After the terrorist attack at an Orlando nightclub early Sunday morning, Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton claimed she was an ally to the LGBT community. But donations to the Clinton Foundation show the Clinton's are willing to overlook LGBT abuse when there’s money on the line. “We will keep fighting for [the LGBT community’s] right to live freely, openly and without fear,” Clinton said on Facebook June 12, 2016.

However, The Clinton Foundation accepted at least  $25.5 million from eight nations that imprison and murder homosexuals.

When will the Progressives understand that this "HAG" does not support them only looks at them with disdain ?

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3 points

All you need to now is that Democrats will vote for Hillary no matter if she was on video murdering someone. The Liberal media would bury the murder while pushing their LGBT agendas.

Bill was accused of raping two women and having multiple affairs and Democrats still elected him.

The Left have lost all sense of moral values and will elect someone as corrupt or immoral as the Clintons.

The people who vote for them are charity cases voting for their free subsidies. They are socialist extremists who are total hypocrites!

AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
1 point

I agree with most everything there. The Democratic party favors Hillary Clinton. But Liberals do not support her. People who are actually far left in this country align far more with Bernie Sanders over her and they do not identify with the democratic party at all. I am consider myself liberal but NOT a democrat. Because i hate the clintons corruption as well.

However when you say that people vote for democrats for charity, republicans also vote for charity. Republican lawmakers vote to give away billions in aid every year. 4 billion anually goes to Exon Mobil for "research and development" even though the company makes billions in profits every year. The right also holds that we annually donate billions of dollars to Israel every year and then we immediately forgive that debt so they dont owe us anything back. The right and the left both spend a lot but the left tends to spend a little more on public programs and the right favors spending for wealthy corporations and interests outside the US instead of the people.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

But why is it Killary claims to be a champion of gay rights when she receives monies from Muslim Countries that murder gays ? Don't spin it answer it !

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

The middle cass is crucified by the Left's spending of THEIR MONEY! Public programs are a buzz word for VOTE FOR ME BECAUSE I WILL REDISTRIBUTE THE MIDDLE CLASS's MONEY to you.

The Left has killed the middle class with high taxes, mandates of Obamacare, medicaid, etc.

You keep spewing the same rhetoric of how the GOP loves the rich. THE LEFT is tied to the rich just as much and funnel money to green corporations for kick backs. Hillary is tied to big banks, etc.

The GOP give subsidies to oil companies for the cost of exploration of finding new oil wells, etc. It's for the good of all Americans.

Take those rose colored glasses OFF!

1 point

Not all Muslim countries have insane Muslims. Look at the UAE and Indonesia ... they are pretty good. This in my opinion indicates that the Muslim religion can work if the people don't go crazy with it. Sort of like Christianity.

0 points

Such a cisgender white male fear sexist racist misogynist thing to make. I get it, you hate Hillary becoze she is a woman and you hate her donner becoze thay'r Muslim!!! Nobody will dry you privlliged tears!!!!