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 This is the second time Nom banned me, for disagreeing, with him. He is a hypocrite. (5)

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NomLovesMarx(359) pic

This is the second time Nom banned me, for disagreeing, with him. He is a hypocrite.

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Jody(1791) Banned
2 points

Says you who banned me , making you also a hypocrite.

Nom is a crying bitch who bans everyone who disagrees with his horseshit he’s here 7 years and has never once engaged in debate

You on the other hand are a fat wailing bitch who got her lard ass life banned on DIn for constantly posting up crazy content telling the site how by refusing to answer questions you were being “denied” freedom of speech , the owner of said site said he had enough of your religious lunacy and kicked your fat ass back to trailer park Heaven

Pssssss.......on a side note do you remember your profile photo from years back where you used to wear a red beret at an “edgey” angle with a pair of 4 inch thick glasses from which behind a pair of raisin sized eyes looked at the world with a vacuous stare ?

Have you possibly got two large profile pics you could give me ?

I’ve found your ghastly countenance in print a most effective aid in preventing people and children from going to close to the edge of a dangerously deep local pond

You and Nom should get married save you both a lot of time constantly posting up posts about each other and then banning each other ......let me know if Nom manages to get the “ole” pecker stiff .......he has difficulties in that area

This is the second time Nom banned me, for disagreeing, with him. He is a hypocrite.

Look Dana, I explained it to you the first time. You don't get to decide the reason I banned you. That is my right, not yours. Capiche?

You were banned for trying to excuse an armed coup through the use of a classic tu quoque fallacy (i.e. but you!!).

0 points

I have the right to decide the publically posted evidence, of you frealing out over my disagreement, and banning me. Also, on my debate, you don't get to tell me, what rights I have, Only Yeshua, does.

1 point

I have the right to decide the publically posted evidence, of you frealing out over my disagreement, and banning me

Just fuck off Dana. You're not even worth the time.