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It was NOT It was
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 It was NOT (1)
 It was (4)

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excon(18262) pic

Was being the FIRST to fire our nukes EVER our policy??


The REASON the nuclear football is NEVER more that 50 feet from the president, is so we can RESPOND to a 1st strike BEFORE we're blown to smithereens..  When enemy missiles are in the air, the president has 9 minutes to fire back.


It was NOT

Side Score: 1

It was

Side Score: 7
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2 points

First? You're the only nation to ever have fired nukes.

Side: It was
3 points

First? You're the only nation to ever have fired nukes.

Exactly, lol.

Side: It was
Pedestrian(151) Clarified
1 point

The US was at war and the nukes saved 1 to 2 million lives likely lost in an all out US invasion. If they weren't dropped, I might not be here.

Side: It was NOT
FrogofLondon(57) Disputed
1 point

First? You're the only nation to ever have fired nukes

And it took a liberal to drop them.

Side: It was NOT
Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

Which Liberal was that?

Side: It was NOT

Was being the FIRST to fire our nukes EVER our policy??

Ask the Japanese. Democrats lit them up like it was Christmas.

Side: It was

When enemy missiles are in the air, the president has 9 minutes to fire back.

Which we only know because a stupid Democrat gave out top secret information in a debate against Donald Trump.

Side: It was