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 What Do You Think America Should Do? (37)

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Coldthedog(244) pic

What Do You Think America Should Do?

We give Obama a second term, we owe our lives to China, Detroit still exists, and more problems than a country should ever have. What do you believe America should start doing. You can focus on a single topic or talk about everything if you want, I want to see CreateDebates opinions on America.

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1 point

My answer is also a question. I am not an American so am looking from the outside in where I find my self wondering why it is that ever since America was drawn into WWII it has placed itself in the position of the world's police force.

Shouldn't America encourage that role be the mainstay of the UN then America could concentrate more of its energy and resources on its domestic instead of foreign policy

1 point

Shouldn't America encourage that role be the mainstay of the UN then America could concentrate more of its energy and resources on its domestic instead of foreign policy

I think we feel like the last time we focused on domestic policy World War II broke out.

1 point

I hear what you are saying however the bombing of Pearl Harbour, was an outcome of flawed responses to years of Japanese expansionism in Asia.

Sagan’s view “the origins of the Pacific War are best viewed as a mutual failure of deterrence” in effect it was a disastrous failure by both sides to create an Asia/Pacific solution.

The US was trying to halt Japanese expansionism in Asia. and ultimately, the Japanese, significantly overestimated the American public’s desire to remain isolated at peace and their reaction to an attack at Pearl Harbour.

It can be contended that both sides of the Asia / Pacific argument ultimately created the circumstances that led to the Pacific War. This was America's foreign policy at work against Japan's expansionism, hence my question why does America still see itself as the world's police .....?

1 point

america is one of the worst places because of SAM brownback

1 point

The character and values of the United States of America was formulated by the modern day settlers who burnt their personal attributes of, self reliance, work ethic, ambition and pioneering spirit into the psyche' of the nation. Over time some of these national characteristics have been diluted by unregulated immigration and eroded by liberal politicians who achieved periods of influence and governance by irresponsibly convincing the weak minded that there really is something for nothing. If all the money in the world was pooled and divided equally between the rich and the poor, soon after that event most of the previous wealthy would have their dosh back and the former poor would once more be impoverished and bellowing, this is an unfair system. How certain manipulative, self serving politicians love to whip the mindless non achievers into a frenzy of discontent by having them believe that the world owes them a living and they are all victims of a conspiracy by a hierarchy of the rich elite. This, not so, mild form, of communism has done the nation incalculable harm during a good part of the last century. Call it what you will, survival of the fittest, natural selection, but whatever title you give to the essential order of things it is nature's way of ensuring that the weak will perish so the strong of a species may flourish. To try to alter the intended natural course of the progression of the nation will see the acceleration of the decline of America. The Obama experiment has failed because he has failed miserably to address, never mind redress the issues which have plagued the nation since he took office. Back to basics, back to the fundamental values and principles of the hard working, god fearing and innovative founding settlers.

1 point

An idea that recently came to me that I believe is best for America is a second president. I think if we arrange a system with two presidents, one left wing, one right wing, there could be much more balance in the executive branch. The president is given too much power, example being Andrew Jackson. In the Bank War alone, it is demonstrated that the president can make extreme actions with much disapproval from other branches. If the power is broken between two people, both of different sides, there will always need to be much discussion before massive executive orders are passed.

I definitely think this is an interesting and possibly very good idea, though I would be interested to see how it would work out with our current hyper-partisan climate. I definitely think the original concept of the President - Vice President relationship was meant to be along the lines you are referring to (after all, the loser in the general election became vice president so they were often of differing ideologies), though the lack of substantial vice presidential powers prevented the sort of power structure you are referring to. I would be very interested in seeing this idea play out, as I think it could potentially be very beneficial.

1 point

Yes, it would be hard to bend our society, but as I said, the president is VERY powerful. If a president in our future is to go with this idea there would be no problem going along with it. For your Vice-President and President statement I must say the Vice can do nothing. The only thing he can do is check up on the president's health day to day. If this system is added to our country I believe we can get a much more balanced culture. I thank you for the support.

The answer is simple; Go back to our roots.

Encourage small businesses and sole-proprietorships, it is corporate America that is running things at the current time and this needs to change. This mentality that corporations and big money can do no wrong, has to stop. Tax the shit out of the bastards and let real competition exist.

America should pull all the troops out of the Middle East and have nothing more to do with any of those countries.

0 points

America must get back to their traditional roots. NO QUESTION ABOUT IT!

Every person of common sense knows that personal accountability and personal responsibility are what should be lifted up by society.

Liberals have done all in their power to tear down any notion of personal responsibility for one's choices in life. They want to redistribute money from hard working responsible people and give to those living irresponsible lives. IT'S INSANITY!

We must start electing Conservatives once again because they have the only answers..... smaller government, accountability for one's own choices in life, less taxes, etc. etc..

Until our Liberal media is shown for the corrupt biased reporters they are, the press will control the minds of low end voters. The type who elected Obama. They will continue to demonize any Conservative candidate that comes along.

1 point


1 point

So the traditional roots of slavery, lack of women's suffrage, etc? Which roots?

"Every person of common sense knows that personal accountability and personal responsibility are what should be lifted up by society." Except that isn't exactly our "traditional roots".

"Liberals have done all in their power to tear down any notion of personal responsibility for one's choices in life. " No, not really.

"They want to redistribute money from hard working responsible people and give to those living irresponsible lives. IT'S INSANITY!" Most welfare recipients are working, you know that right?

"We must start electing Conservatives once again because they have the only answers..... smaller government, accountability for one's own choices in life, less taxes, etc. etc.." That is all rhetoric, which is what the right most often employs (just like the left). Those are not specific answers to any of our problems.

"Until our Liberal media is shown for the corrupt biased reporters they are, " You mean like Bill O'Reilly, the most popular member of the right wing media who is currently going through a controversy regarding his corrupt reporting?

"the press will control the minds of low end voters. The type who elected Obama." I didn't know you voted for Obama! Very interesting.

"They will continue to demonize any Conservative candidate that comes along." And the right will demonize any Liberal candidate that comes along. That is what happens when you exist in a hyper partisan climate.

daver(1770) Disputed
1 point

Except that isn't exactly our "traditional roots

No, not really

Most welfare recipients are working, you know that right?

You are offering opinion to refute facts. Where are your facts?

That is all rhetoric, which is what the right most often employs (just like the left). Those are not specific answers to any of our problems. Smaller (less intrusive) government is clearly a good thing as compared to the bloated bureaucracy we call government.

You mean like Bill O'Reilly, the most popular member of the right wing media who is currently going through a controversy regarding his corrupt reporting NEWS media. NEWS not commentary. Daaaa

Obama." I didn't know you voted for Obama! Very interesting. Sarcasm, that's it! No comment to defend our main stream news media as unbiased?

And the right will demonize any Liberal candidate that comes along That's what you got? ---- No denial? ---- No defense? ---- just unfounded claims about the right with zero details, zero examples. Hmmmm

Coldthedog(244) Disputed
1 point

I find it annoying that once again a person's only disagreement with our traditions is slavery and women suffering. You know that isn't even close to what he meant, our modern society is more than capable of retrieving the good of our old ways while removing the bad. Further more you give no proof that Liberals are not going out of their way to make disagreements. It has even became a common thing in politics for Liberals to accuse Republicans of racism, that is just plain ridicules! Also, please tell me, who are all these people who have became mass successors thanks to the aid of welfare, you said it is working after all. Finally, your comment that the man was weak-minded was very immature of you.