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 What did you get for Christmas? (38)

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Akulakhan(2984) pic

What did you get for Christmas?

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2 points

LG G watch.... and a bunch of other shit.

0 points

Wow that's some snazzy shit. I'm still waiting for something with the form factor of a pip-boy myself.

2 points

A headache.

1 point

Yeah, coming together with family would be a lot better without the family.

1 point

That doesn't make sense.

A few new bibles, a new laptop, and some socks. That's about it.

1 point

I got a new bible, too! The Mrs. was nice enough to get me the one I wanted.

The Skeptics bible you listed above? Hopefully you enjoy your present and learn a bit. I was given quite a few new bibles of different translations and one children's bible.

1 point

I didn't get anything on Christmas because my parents gave me stuff throughout the year. You don't have to get gifts on Christmas just because everyone else does. I get gifts all year round.

1 point

I'm starting to understand why you're so messed up.

1 point

How so?

Niffer(58) Clarified
1 point

You are a true jerk. How can you be so rude? I didn't think it was possible for anyone to be that much of a jerk.

1 point

Yeah but you didn't really have a day to celebrate, now did you?

1 point

Yeah, I did have a day to celebrate. I celebrate Christmas everyday by glorifying God, and thanking Him for the gift He has given to mankind, and that it's open to everyone.

1 point

I actually didn't get anything this year. In fact, Christmas wasn't even Christmas to me this year.

1 point

You don't do Christmas?

Saurbaby(5502) Clarified
1 point

I guess you could say I don't do Christmas well, it isn't a good time of year for me. But this year there was a lot of hurting within my family and me, so no Christmas this year.

I saved a gift for you - wrap just before use ;)

Giant, old man, underwear ;)

joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

Also, some Blue Sapphire Gin and a small oak barrel for aging my personal stash of whiskey ;)

1 point

That sounds awful... well that depends on what they're so big for.

You'll get there soon enough, sonny ;)

1 point

I got everything I asked for which is not new because I always get what I want. A huge pillow, clothes, shoes, Will U, IPhone 6 plus, money, yarn, I home, Mac laptop, and a new windows 8 computer. That was just from my parents.

1 point

Fluffy headphones d^_^b

1 point

nothing, living alone and nobody likes me .

1 point

I'm gonna get screamed at by the liberals but I got a gun . Lol

A coffee machine. I'm so happy that I now get to be a boy of luxury, sipping lattes, americanos and cappuccinos whenever I please. I also got so more buddha-ish stuff.

1 point

I will ONLY tell you ONE thing I got, Furby BOOM! That is the ultimate Christmas Present I have got for Christmas 2014. That year was special. I miss that year so much

An iMac with the latest edition of Yosemite software. Love it! I have a wonderful brother who gave that beautiful gift to me.

1 point

I got LG TV.

In Christmas I got a TV that was I wanted . LG TV is better than any other TV product . I'm not regret , some people give me advice Sony is best product but I don't believe that I love LG TV .

1 point

My birthday falls on Christmas thus i got various gifts like shoes, laptop, gaming chair, personalised lanyards as a key chain and many more things.

Supporting Evidence: personalised lanyards (