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 What drives Satinists to belive? (19)

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What drives Satinists to belive?

Why do they belive that the Devil is allmighty? What would make you think that.

I just want to here your prespective. Your point of view.

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2 points

Cause if you are going to Hell anyways why not go in with good terms with Satan.

1 point

Also Satan Didn't flood the Earth, Kill all Egyptian first borns etc.

1 point

They believe in christianity(if theistic), but want to be on the rebel side, for the fun- and Satan has a more compelling cause.

AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

Not necessarily true. There are some angsty teens who do that for attention or whatever but those are few and far between in the satanist scene. Theisic satanists mainly believe in a deity known as Satan of course however it is independent from the Christian religion entirely. They do not worship the Satan or devil from the bible. Satan biblically speaking was derrived from (most likely) the pagan egyptian god Horus. And made out to be the boogyman for Christians to blame the evil on. The whole good vs evil black and white concept is very new and uncreative and unrealistic.

Satan in the "real" sense is a god of knowledge. Satan in sanscrit (the written language from which the word originates) means truth. In Hebrew it means enemy, yet it was a word added to the language AFTER the bible was written. Coincidence? I think not.

Their beliefs are that Satan created the universe but it has no story to back it up as it has only one very short "holy" book of Satan the Al Jilwah. Satan created this world and us as his prize creation and instead if punishing us for being unfit and unruly, they believe he wants humanity to advance intelectually and physically to be the best that we can be and live life to the fullest. There are some rules to follow like don't steal, dont enter another's domain without permission, Ect. But they're all perfectly reasonable and fit for a modern day moral code.

They believe Satan does not need nor wish to be worshiped. They believe in an afterlife in which they reach by recognizing that Satan is the true god and by advancing mentally through meditation and magical practice. If they do not do this (I.e don't follow the religion) they are not punished at ALL. They simply begin a new life to try again.

It preaches self reliance, togetherness, intellectual advancement, peace, wiseness, and enjoyment of this life.

All in all, not a bad religion at ALL. I would know, I practiced for a time. I soon realized I had no reason to believe in Satan just as I don't for god and became atheistic satanist. Meaning I follow the rules as moral code for myself and practice meditations for mental and physical health. Its very nice :). And I take comfort in knowing that there's no price to pay by leaving IF he should exist. I don't know why but i do.

Hell, sometimes I even draw a pentagram on my chest with my finger for luck or strength. Call it a superstitious luck charm but hey, it works :)

Now there's also Laveyan satanists who are part of the cult started by Anton Szandor LaVey. He basically preached to indulge in the 7 deadly sins through his book the satanic bible. It's not too bad but I don't agree entirely with it. They don't believe in Satan directy either.

That's about it if you have any questions feel free to ask :)

1 point

To me the modern idea of satan (medieval-present) looks alot like a mix of Hades and Pan. I don't like the satanist pentacle very much though, as it is flipped, so I always draw pentacles upright.

I would just like to say at the point that I'm reading all this stuff where you explain and support Satanism your point score is "666." I would give you an up-vote for your amazing timing in joining a debate on Satan right as you hit 666 points, but I don't wanna ruin the moment.

Most probably the exact same factors that drive someone to become Christian, or Buddhist, or whatever. It's just another system of belief.

1 point

Why do they belive that the Devil is allmighty? What would make you think that.

I think the reason they think the devil is almighty is because they don't want to believe in God so they rather believe in God's enemy then God because that way they can do whatever they want and God isn't stopping them from doing things they can't do.

Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

Actually it is probably more because god has killed millions of people and satan has not.

Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

Satan actually does more damage to this world than God because he tells people to do specific things and tempts them to do evil and bad things so your wrong about that.

1 point

Technically, Satan caused the death of the people but indirectly. He is skilled in temptation and sin. Therefore due to Satan`s intervention, God was did what he had to do in response to the growing sin of men. Since we were`t able to witness the event, we have no evidence what happened to the people after the flood.