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Chuz-Life(497) pic

What is Wrong with using Abortion as a means for Birth Control?

According to this article about a woman 'Addicted to Abortions' , one out of every two women who get an abortion will repeat.

Many people on this website and others have proclaimed their support for abortions with the caveot that they don't like seeing abortion used for birth control.

My question is "Why not?"

If it's NOT a child and has no rights... what's wrong with killing it and ridding yourself of it for any reason you 'choose?'

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3 points

Simple answer: It degrades our definition of humanity and rots our sense of morality

On the day that abortion was legalized, experts assumed that it will decrease crime rate. Because they thought that less unwanted babies, less child abuse, less criminals.

After 18 years, the statistics showed that indeed, crime rates decreased. But upon closer inspection, it was discovered that it actually gone worse. Because we now define human life as mere toys, the amount of murder cases, rape, and denial of rights increased. At the same time, the age of criminals becomes younger for every generation.

And that does not include how it affected the sexual relationships of the teenagers. Whom more and more are engaging to premarital relationships

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Still thinks that it should be allowed?

1 point

Dammit woman..... Marry me! (J/K)

We already have threads trying to make the case for polygamy.


Seriously. Great post - as always.

2 points

It's not a means of birth control, it's an emergency last resort.

Chuz-Life(497) Clarified
1 point

It's not a means of birth control, it's an emergency last resort.

It's a last resort for what?

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

A last resort to protect someone from unwanted physical and mental harm.

Well there are a few arguments that say it is bad and that abortion can have negatives impacts to the women or girl who got the abortion.

1) It isnt free.

2) Condoms also help as a cool safety net althought they are not perfect.

3) Abstinence is an excellent 100% sure way of preventing pregnancy.

4) Abortion does involve getting pregnant so some mental affects may occur.

5) Some people say it is the seed of life. Also some say it is just a cluster of cells.

6) Birth Control pills are available.

Abortion also can mentally affect a women or girl negatively. Here is an article.

Supporting Evidence: Post Abortion Effects (
1 point

Abortion also can mentally affect a women or girl negatively. Here is an article.

Great post and link, Lizzie.


Oh no problem. It is a pleasure. The facts arent to hard to look up.

2 points

For the record, I am a prochoicer against abortion for birth control. I also oppose elective sex selective abortion.

2 points

My personal reason would be what multiple abortions can do to a women's body, but then again it's her body. If she wants to mess it up, then by all means. I'm keeping my body as safe as possible and not using abortion often.

Chuz-Life(497) Clarified
1 point

To clarify, you don't see anything wrong with using abortions as a form of birth control. Correct?

Saurbaby(5502) Clarified
1 point

Personally, yes. But it's not business what other people are doing. I couldn't do it myself.

1 point

On a strictly logical point of view, it is wildly inefficient.

With so many other forms of birth control to choose from, condoms, diaphragms, the pill, the rhythm method (that is tracking a woman's menstrual cycle and avoiding sex on days most fertile), or good old fashion pulling out; it is downright foolish to use abortion as a means of birth control.

It is more dangerous for the woman, it is more damaging/stressful to her body, and it is more expensive.

Chuz-Life(497) Clarified
1 point

Points taken, but you don't think there is anything wrong with using abortion for birth control.

Do you?

sauh(1106) Clarified
1 point

You may need to define "using abortion as a means of birth control" for me.

I take it to mean: an ongoing system of preventing giving birth. Like with condoms, you use them each time you have sex to prevent/cut down the likelihood of pregnancy.

If someone consistently had unprotected sex and just got an abortion anytime they became pregnant, then yes there is something wrong with using abortion as a means of birth control.

WRONG: a : an injurious, unfair, or unjust act : action or conduct inflicting harm without due provocation or just cause.

Abortion as birth control would be an injurious action that inflicted harm without just cause. Since there are many other methods of birth control that don't stress or endanger a woman available, there is no just cause for using abortion as a means of birth control; therefore it is wrong.

Abortion is a safety net. Like the lifeguard at the swimmingpool - you hope you'll not need him, but you're glad to know he's there in case.

Chuz-Life(497) Clarified
1 point

Abortion is a safety net. Like the lifeguard at the swimmingpool - you don't hope you'll need him, but you're glad he's there in case.

That doesn't answer my question.

Is it wrong to use abortions for birth control? Or is it okay (with you) for people use abortions for birth control?

1 point

It is not wrong, it shouldn't be illegal.

But you shouldn't do it for your own health - abortion should be something you do when you have considered every other option. Because not only does abortion kill a fetus, it can harm your own body both physically and mentally.

So for healthy reasons you should not use abortion as a birth control, that is not what it is for. We have condoms, pills and many other stuff that are much much safer to use as birth control. When those things accidentally .. don't work, that's when you can use abortion.

1 point

I believe that net is a condom. Not an abortion. An abortion is like pulling the drain cap off in a pool to save someone from drowning.

1 point

It's because we are trying to save two different people.

I'm trying to save the girl from being a mother even though she doesn't want to, while you're trying to save the fetus.

Aside from the turmoil on the family, isn't abortion expensive compared to, oh you know, the 50 cents for a condom? Using abortion as a birth control measure seems as ridiculous as destroying the planet to eradicate crime.

On a side note, humans were expendable far before abortion. Slaves, sacrifices, work-horses, unics, the list goes on (and many of those acts perpetrated by fundamentalism).

There is nothing wrong with it if you are pro-abortion, if you do not value life and want women to have the power to kill. In this case kill a living human being. If you want abortion legal...on demand so that women can choose, because it is her body...then how can you tell her the conditions with which she can kill? If there is something wrong with abortion...why support it, if there isn't anything wrong with it...then you must take all restrictions off and allow women free choice. It would be hypocritical for a pro-abort to say....yes a woman should be able to get an abortion...but only a certain number of abortions.

1 point

Life begins at birth. .

While I am prochoice, I do admit that abortion has more health risks than contraception. Otherwise, I would not care.

Hmm... it's more expensive compared to other types of birth control. Plus you might get pro-life people attacking you for your decision.

Yawn. Abortion patients rarely do that...........................................................................................................