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 What is the best fast food restaurant? (21)

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beanbag(157) pic

What is the best fast food restaurant?

mcd's, wendys, bk, carls jr.??
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4 points

I have to go with In-N-Out Burger, only found on the West Coast of the US. Their menu is so simple and small, yet so delicious that if you go there any time of the day or night you're guaranteed to be waiting in a ridiculous line just to get a taste of that greasy goodness.

Side: In N Out Burger
4 points

I don't usually go for fast food, but when I do it's In-N-Out.

Side: In N Out Burger
4 points

in ndout is the SHIT !

i became a vegetarian last year, but before then the thing to do saturday nights was go to in-n-out and order a double double and a neopolitan shake.

now, it's animal fries (orgasm in your mouth no joke) and a strawberry shake. either way, it's the SHIT.

Side: In N Out Burger
4 points

2 words and a plethora of words to describe the deliciousness ' Monster Style '

Fat Burger is pretty good to

Side: In N Out Burger
1 point

ya. in-n-out does have the simplest menu and a great secret menu. it takes a little longer than most fast food chains but it is worth the wait because the food is so good.

Side: In N Out Burger
2 points

Burger King. Tastes fuckin' great and healthier than others.

Side: Burger King
2 points

I like their vegie burger even though I'm not a vegitarian. Their fries are good too, a lot better than most places.

Side: Burger King
4 points

wtf ? burger kind has a veggie burger ? lol.

Side: Burger King

Even though I know that Fast Food chains are regional, my personal favorite is Charlie Brown's or Applebee's in the Restaurant category and Kentucky Fried Chicken or McDonald's when I'm on the fly! I still think no one can beat their fries.

Side: Charlie Browns and McDonalds
1 point

Wendys is the best fast food restaurant. they have the best fast food out there for the best price. and the new frosty shakes are ohh so delicious. they are so rich an suculant. as a matter of should go get one right now!!!

Side: Charlie Browns and McDonalds
1 point

Here's one the Americans won't know; Jenny's Burger. Oh yeah!

Side: Jenny's Burger
1 point

Does Subway count? Excellent tasting, large quantity, and it's healthy! What more could you want?

Side: Subway
Bradf0rd(1431) Disputed
2 points

Free of charge maybe?

Quiznos is better though if price isn't a factor.

Side: Subway
1 point

Five Guys is the bomb hamburger joint. If you ever see one, check it out!

Side: Five Guys
2 points

Five guys has the best fries I've ever eaten at a fast food place. Its burgers are done just right, and everything tastes fresh and you can watch them cooking your burger after you order.

Side: Five Guys
1 point

none i like home cooked meals and there more healthy and cheaper and not grease

Side: Five Guys

I'm still a fan of McDonald's. I like their french fries. Well, I like their burgers, too.

Side: Five Guys
0 points

Mc Donalds. Wendys' is good too.

Side: Mc Donalds
0 points

Eat. Their pies are fantastic. Not too keen on their minimal 'Ikea' look though.

Side: Mc Donalds