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Debate Score:35
Total Votes:37
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LeRoyJames(372) pic

What's the best type of food in the world?

My list would be:

* Indian

* Mexican

* Japanese

* Almost everything else

* European/American

(In case you can't tell, I just had Indian for lunch.  Tongue Out)

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3 points

I just like to throw Greek out there! Yummy! γύρος αρνί είναι το αγαπημένο μου

2 points

Hallelujah someone other than myself mentioned it! .

2 points

Dang, the  's didn't work. I thought I saw someone else use them once, but I probably got the syntax wrong. :(

LeRoyJames(372) Clarified
1 point

Of course, they worked in my argument, when I didn't want them to. :(

2 points

Mexican! Who knew those illegal immigrants were capable of making something so tasty? ;)

1 point

¡Amén! La comida mexicana es el mejor!

2 points

Ins da Liechtenstein Country, we ams has da best food ever, dis is ams a verys as dey say "traditional" dish in da Liechtenstein culture of eatsing da food withs our mouth.

1 point

British Food, nothing completes a meal like potatoes.

2 points

Dude.... I doubt many outside the UK would agree with that.... I agree with the potatoes comment though and I will say, the times I was in England and Scotland I just stuck with fish and chips and that was delicious.

2 points

Oh yeah, and I didn't down-vote you.

1 point

I know, some asshole went on my recent arguments page and downvoted all my arguments. I think it was probably Judas as I disagreed with him recently.

1 point

I can't say I think British food comes anywhere near many other foods, but I do like mushy peas, and I tried haggis and blood pudding when I was there, and liked both of those as well.

1 point

Mi abuela's food. Simple as that.

Now I'm hungry :(

1 point

The kind that makes your hunger go away...

1 point

I like Ukrainian or Russian food its the best in the world. I love some of their meals and Ukrainian and Russians cook really good food.

Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Я мог бы пойти на некоторые бефстроганов прямо сейчас! Вкусно!

1 point

SUSHI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 points


1 point

これは混乱しています .

1 point

I'd say any well made well cooked food, a couple of people have said they dont think a lot of British Food but I would rather have well made, well cooked British food than badly cooked food from somewhere else. To those that have expressed a dislike for British food when did you try British food? In my view it is very hard to get good British food in a Commerical setting at a sensible price

1 point

I totally agree, and I was being very subjective with my list. I like trying different kinds of food, and since I essentially grew up on a derivative of British food (American food), for me, it's not very different. If I had grown up in a different culture, I might have put British food higher up in my list (though probably not at the top). I also like spicy food, and I love the taste of curry, which is why I like Indian food so much.

Of course, if I had made a list of the best looking food, Indian would probably be at the bottom of my list. It has to be the ugliest looking food on the planet. :)

1 point

Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek .

New York food, they have everything there and they make it well.

1 point

In the Bible God intended food to herbs only for man. Ofcourse later on non-veg was granted for specific reason(s). So, any food made of herbs i.e. immovable living things can be taken as food which was commanded by God in the early stage. So, herbs is the best food in the world.