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Come My house should burn, I'm poor
Debate Score:40
Total Votes:48
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 Come (18)
 My house should burn, I'm poor (17)

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excon(18262) pic

When you call the fire department, do you want them to COME, or CHECK with billing?


Side Score: 22

My house should burn, I'm poor

Side Score: 18
2 points

COME! After all, they're part of our socialistic system that we ALL pay for, and have for years. Just like the cops, the library, the DPW, the snow removal. Democratic socialists …. there when you need them. ;-)

Side: Come
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Taxes now according to AL is a SOCIALIST system ! And just look AL has to have SNOW REMOVAL from those evil fossil fuel burning machines !!!!!!!!! ROTFFLMMFAO !

AL are property taxes a part of your Socialist view point ?

Side: My house should burn, I'm poor

When you call the fire department, do you want them to COME, or CHECK with billing?

I want anyone willing to put the fire out to attempt to put it out, seeing that not putting it out would burn down buildings around it.

If they are paid for with taxes, they have no right to charge. If they are not paid for by taxes, they can charge or leave by their own decision making.

Side: Come
1 point

They will protect the community from a burning house, but get in their ambulance and see if it’s free. One is a service to the community, and one is a service to you. One is paid by the community, and the other by you. That’s not socialism.

Side: Come
0 points

They will protect the community from a burning house, but get in their ambulance and see if it’s free.

The fire department have ambulances? I don't live in the US but over here the fire department and paramedics are a separate service. They'd have to be really, otherwise you'd have firemen turning up to treat heart attack victims.

Side: My house should burn, I'm poor
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

It varies by district, but yes. Many firemen are paramedics, and most fire departments are more generally Emergency Medical Services (EMS) or Fire/Rescue. So it’s a good thing when the fireman shows up for the heart attack, because that’s their job.

Side: Come
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

The Baltimore County Fire Department (BCoFD) provides quality fire protection, rescue services, emergency medical services, safety education and mitigation of emergency situations. BCoFD includes the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, charged with coordinating a response to weather and other community emergencies.

BCoFD and the 29 volunteer companies that work with us responded to 138,147 calls in 2017, including more than 101,000 Emergency Medical Service (EMS) calls.

Baltimore County cannot treat a heart attack victim ???????

Side: Come
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

The Operations Division is responsible for safety and emergency mitigation; to protect and serve citizens. The Operations Division is the largest division of the department and is under command of the Operations Chief. This division consists of over 300 firefighters covering three 24-hour shifts in thirteen fire stations. Every day there are fourteen engine companies, nine Mobile Intensive Care Units / ambulances, five ladder companies, five water tankers, one heavy rescue, one training officer and one safety officer. The firefighters are under the direct command of one of nine battalion chiefs. In addition to emergency medical services, fires and rescues, the operations division responds to a variety of unique situations, collectively serving as the department's front line emergency medical, rescue and fire suppression response capability. Each shift is overseen by four Battalion Chiefs (three Fire and one EMS). Also available through cross-staffing are a variety of well equipped specialized units, including dive, foam, hazmat, front-country/rope rescue, urban search & rescue and water rescue. A central 911 dispatch system serves the entire Municipality and coordinates, fire and EMS response to all areas of the Municipality.

In addition to suppression duties, each engine company serves as a non-transport Basic Life Support (BLS) unit equipped with a semi-automatic defibrillator to enhance response to cardiac emergencies. The engine companies supplement the Department's Paramedics, who, in combination with Firefighter/Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT's), provide Advanced Life Support (ALS) care and transport. Likewise, all Paramedics are cross-trained as firefighters to enhance response to suppression incidents when necessary.

So paramedics that are firemen cannot treat a heart attack victim??????????????

Side: Come
1 point

The fire department is racist, and only goes to white peoples' houses. Socialism fail.

Side: My house should burn, I'm poor

Bwahahahaha! You stole my argument you puppety rat.

Side: My house should burn, I'm poor
1 point

When you call the POLICE department, do you want them to COME, or CHECK with billing?

You are an IGNORANT BASTARD !!!!!!!!!!!

Do you care for the FIRE DEPARTMENT more than the POLICE DEPARTMENT ???????

Pony up you CONFUSED IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!!

Side: My house should burn, I'm poor
1 point

ROTFFLMMFAO !!!!!!!!!! I think we all need a SOCIALIST CARD to go to the LIBRARY !!!!

Side: My house should burn, I'm poor

Note to Ex-Con.

The Spuds account and the Brontoraptor account are both owned by the same person.

Side: My house should burn, I'm poor
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

What do you get if you cross a Fire Fighter with a Paramedic?

No, the title to this article isn’t the opening line of a terrible joke. In fact, it’s a legitimate question. Due to fewer fires, the immense strain currently being felt by ambulance services, and the need to treat accident victims as soon as possible, a lot can be said for merging these two occupations into one profession.

In fact, some fire and rescue services have already started to join forces with ambulance colleagues in order to increase response times and ultimately save more lives. But despite the benefits that this collaboration can bring, some oppose this proposal, most notably the Fire Brigades Union.

You should really focus on the problems your country has !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Come
1 point

Spuds is your puppet account pretending to be me. Anyone with a brainstem can see that. You should stop making so many puppets burritonomspudsquantumheadsnake.

Side: Come