
Debate Info

Make Super Humans It’s Unethical!!
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Make Super Humans (3)
 It’s Unethical!! (1)

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Slavedevice(1389) pic

Why Is Genetic Engineering Immoral?

Ok, apart from painful research on live subjects (like Nazis did), what harm could come from engineering super humans that are immune to diseases, able to live longer, yada yada????  If u can manipulate a few genes in an egg cell and make a better human,  that’s great !!!!   I don’t get it??  Fear of playing God???  We all don’t believe the Bible anyway - don’t hold us Secular people back damn. It !!!!

Make Super Humans

Side Score: 3

It’s Unethical!!

Side Score: 1
1 point

Genetic engineering can fix people now and need not extend to designer people. Preventing disease doesn't mean a longer life. It means life to last only as intended.

Creating as you say 'super' humans, will create a very crowded earth given that maybe living to 100 would become normal.

Side: Make Super Humans
1 point

The words "like Nazis did" is the problem. Realistic changes or improvements need not be "like Nazis did". If we can improve ourselves, repair ourselves, how can that be immoral … unless you allow a religion to control our lives, which, to ME, would BE immoral AND unethical.

Side: Make Super Humans
1 point

Genetically engineering children to look/behave a certain way (for example have certain interests) is bad - because then you're blurring the lines between a life and a robot.

However, using genetic engineering to make all children stronger/smarter in order to improve life isn't that bad. It's also important to (if possible) use genetic engineering to cure people of genetic illnesses.

Side: Make Super Humans
1 point

No one knows for certain what the implications of toying with the natural genetic structure of human beings would be.

When scientists list their claimed beneficial results of this process they fail to state the probable negative side effects which must exist.

Their silence on the negative impact of this area of uncharted scientific engineering is most likely due to the fact that, like thalidomide,( remember thalidomide?) they will not yet in a position to determine the potential detrimental consequences of the process until they begin to to manifest themselves.

By that time it will be too late for the victims and any third party casualties.

Then we would hear the scientists exclaim surprised innocence and the proponents of this human experiment stating that they always had their fears and reservations about proceeding with the scheme.

We now boast that we can modify nature, but be prepared for it to do a full loop and come back to bite you on the bum;- ouch.

Side: It’s Unethical!!