
Debate Info

He went outside He wasn't wearing a mask
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 He went outside (1)
 He wasn't wearing a mask (2)

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WormPod(59) pic

Why are Deblasio and Cuomo's police forces attacking elderly people?

Two Buffalo, New York, police officers were suspended Thursday after a video of officers pushing an elderly man to the ground in front of City Hall went viral. Police initially said a protester tripped and fell during the peaceful demonstration in Niagara Square, but the video made it clear the man was pushed by police in tactical gear. Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz called the video "sickening" and said the man is now in the hospital.

He went outside

Side Score: 1

He wasn't wearing a mask

Side Score: 2
1 point

Why are Deblasio and Cuomo's police forces attacking elderly people?

Hello T:

It's what cops do.. Cops LOVE to fuck over people. That's WHY they're cops..

By the way.. Police brutality IS the point of 11 days of WORLDWIDE protests..

How did you miss it?


Side: He went outside
Number13(143) Disputed
1 point

It's what cops do.. Cops LOVE to fuck over people. That's WHY they're cops..

By the way.. Police brutality IS the point of 11 days of WORLDWIDE protests..

And more specifically, cops controlled by Democrats in Democrat cities.

Side: He wasn't wearing a mask
CrabCakes(130) Disputed
1 point

It's what cops do.. Cops LOVE to fuck over people. That's WHY they're cops..

It's what blacks do.. Blacks LOVE to commit crimes. That's WHY they're black.

It's what Muslims do.. Muslims LOVE to blow things up. That's WHY they're Muslims.

I guess you get the point. What you posted was complete biggoted, narrowminded, fundamentalist trash.

Side: He wasn't wearing a mask
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