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Debate Score:54
Total Votes:78
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johnbonham32(2426) pic

Would the world be a better place without George W. Bush?


Side Score: 23


Side Score: 31
3 points

Imagine a world without Bush. Two less wars. One less ruined economy. Thousands less books about "Bush'isms". One less person unable to pronounce "nuclear". A lot more money given to scientific organizations instead of Dick Cheney's ex-emplorer.

Yeah, that's definitely a better world.

Side: yes
2 points

Yes it would.President Bush has done nothing to help this country. First of all he got us into a war against a country that was selling us oil. Now it is harder to get oil from that country. Substantially raising gas prices. Secondly, he somehow lost tons of money and also weakened the dollar dramatically.

Side: yes
frenchieak(1132) Disputed
1 point

I love it when people say that Bush got us into the war. It seems that the most educated people will forget everything they learned about the US Government when they bad-mouth Bush. So, in case you forgot, the decision to go to war must be approved by the very people we choose to go to Washington and do that job, not just the President. If you are against the war, blame everyone who voted yes and stop whining that Bush started the war, he was not a dictator.

Side: No
2 points

Yeah, there's a couple of movies and those lame documentaries that traces the seeds of the current Iraq war back to the Russian/Afghanistan conflict and Desert Storm. Basically, we gave a bunch of weapons to poor village boys who were fighting for their freedom but then after we poured all of that money in to help them fight we forgot to help them gain an education. We just kind of left. Without an education it's kind of hard to find enemies. Plus without an education one becomes easy to manipulate.

Side: No
0 points

I mean I realize that when you take the office of the Presidency, you become the figurehead, and scapegoat, of the whole federal government, but this is ridiculous. Get a clue.

Side: No
MBurke12(81) Disputed
1 point

So, this country you speak of, what's it called?

And you say somehow, you don't even know the right answer so don't say "he somehow lost us money".

If it weren't for him and the signing of the Patriot Act, the JFK airport, Sears tower, and the U.S. Capitol terrorist plots would have not been thwarted.

Side: No
2 points

Well, I can't remember anything good he has done on this country than to get all those wars funded. To fluctuate the dollar rate and lead more people to walk away from their faith.

Side: yes
1 point

I really mean I realize that when you take the office of the Presidency, you become the figurehead, and scapegoat, of the whole federal government, but this is ridiculous. Get a clue.

Supporting Evidence: Kerala Honeymoon Packages (
Side: yes
1 point

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Side: Yes
1 point

Well I recently watched an episode of family guy, where Peter went back in time, accidentally changed the future so that he did not marry lois, and because of that, Gore somehow won the election, set in gun control laws and a strict no crime policy, and gore killed bin laden with his bare hands. while I know that this is not real, and just a fictional show, I still believe that if bush had never even run for president, the country would be a MUCH better place.

Side: Yes

Well, it is now 2015 and this country is still involved in war with the Middle East which President George W. Bush started.

Side: Yes
3 points

It was either Bush, Kerry, or Gore.

To be honest, I think George did some damage, enough to ruin the economy? Nah. If you haven't looked around you, the whole world is plummeting into an economic crisis.

Kerry was twofaced so he's definitely out.

Gore, I would have loved to see take office though he probably would have screwed up the economy by putting too much money into the inconvenient truth. I mean yeah it has to be fixed but we have to go at certain rates.

We've had pretty bad candidates for presidents for awhile now. Bush would have been a fine president if shit hadn't fallen straight into his lap when he took the office. Then again anyone could have.

The world would be the same to be honest. A bit greener with Gore, a bit scarier with Kerry, but generally the same.

Side: No
0 points

I also love it when people look at the world reasonably.

Side: No
2 points

Don't see how.

Now, i don't know about the world since American security techniques were applied to America, but America wouldn't be better. Especially since the Bush Anti-Terror method has kept us safe for 7-8 years. while everyone else was constantly being attacked and blown up, we were here safe enough to bitch about terrorists being water boarded.

until the Democrats took over the Congress and Senate the economy was doing pretty good with an unemployment rate at an all time low.

so, i don't know about the world (probably wouldn't matter) but America wouldn't be BETTER without Bush. worse? who knows.

Side: No
0 points

Why make a debate that has such a predictable outcome!?

Side: No
1 point

What's so predictable about this debate Jake? I think the world is better off without GWB in the White House! What he does in Dallas or on his farm is his world, not mine. I'm glad he's not in mine anymore!

Side: yes
MKIced(2511) Disputed
3 points

The debate asked "WOULD the world be better off without Bush." This does not mean "Is the world going to be better off now that Bush is no longer in office?" This is a hypothetical situation in which Bush never was president.

Side: Maybe
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
-1 points

I didn't say this debate is predictable did I. I said the outcome is predictable.

It's predictable that people like you disrespect bush enough to say that the world would be better without him. Which is immature. And its not about in the white house its about the world.

Which side do you think will win? I mean come on.

The Bush bashing got old a long time ago. I thought we were done but no. I also predicted that the obama fans would get board and go back to hating bush. I guess you can't be pleased. You are very predictable.

Side: No
0 points

I personally think Bush did a fine job as president. The world is not in nuclear war, he handled 9/11 effectively, and I'm still alive and safe :). However, I don't think any single person can say yes or no to this. This isn't as exact as science or math. So many factors affect a president. You can't say for sure Gore or Kerry would have handled the same events better or worse. Furthermore, they probably wouldn't have faced the same problems as Bush did.

Side: Maybe
1 point

I also don't see how this is down-vote worthy. I stated my opinion and then went to a neutral position, so everyone should be ecstatic, right?

Side: No
0 points

I don't like how he was as a president, but he's still human, he still has a family. I know his family would miss him if he wasn't alive. So, no.

Side: No
0 points

No I think it's taught people in America to think a little harder before voting for someone like him. Don't you think? It's like the Titanic, or any other mistake. It teaches people new things, like to be more careful or to have lifeboats or safety plans. You need big mistakes like that to make something stronger.

Side: No
0 points

Well he couldn't motivate an entire country or anyone in the world to believe he wasn't a moron and an incompetent so good luck. But the kind of cretins who would go to these things like him regardless. He's taking a page out of Poppy Bush's book--Daddy brings in big bucks talking at these kinds of things except Daddy does it mostly for Reverend Moon. Wanna bet most of the people there were unemployed dopes who got that way through Bush's policies? Oh the IRONY as Bugs Bunny would say.

Supporting Evidence: cissp exam (
Side: No