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yea.... no....?
Debate Score:30
Total Votes:33
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 yea.... (9)
 no....? (18)

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feelingtruth(2774) pic

emotion and thought are senses, right???

so we have 7 senses, not 5, right?????


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 21

Ok, well we sense the emotions of other people, we sense the thoughts of other people, what if the 6th sense is just the perceiving of these "sensations" its hard to explain

Side: yea....
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

No, because we can't sense the emotions of others without at least one of the 5 senses. If we can't smell, taste, see, touch or hear... how could we possibly sense the emotions of others?

Side: no....?
1 point

Blind people can sense the emotions of others more easily by studying their face, it gives off much more information than if we use our eyes to see them

Side: yea....

I agree that both are senses. But I do feel that thought is stronger because it rationalizes.

Side: yea....
2 points

No, senses are the ways in which we are capable of perceiving that world around us. Thoughts are what process these perceptions and emotions are what come about through thought.

Side: no....?
2 points

No, they are not. Senses are the eyes and the like. Emotions and feelings are what we perceive after using our senses. Things or messages are received by our senses. The brain processes them, and in turn, this brings out our emotions.

Side: no....?

senses are taste, smell, sight, hearing, touch .

Side: no....?

There is no such thing as 6th sense .

Side: no....?
1 point

Emotion and thought aren't senses, but we do have more than five. Senses like balance, pain, temperature, kinesthetic senses and more I think.

Side: no....?
1 point

... where'd you get 7? There are way more emotions than that.

This was actually a good debate until you threw out the 7 number, kinda hinting that you had some preconceived notion which you were going to advertise like a pop-up ad on a cheep website that just blared 7 SENSES 7SENSES 7 SENSES 7SENSES 7 SENSES 7SENSES 7 SENSES 7SENSES 7 SENSES 7SENSES

Over and over without considering a single other point.

Despite all of that, I'm going to treat this like a normal-person debate.

It's actually an interesting premise (minus the 7 assumption)... after all, do feelings not effect how we act? If you see for example, a baseball coming at you, you react to that. Well, we also react to emotion.

I believe though that emotion is the result of outside, not the input which causes a reaction, making it a different category, though with some similar attributes.

I'd say feelings are a combination of a number of things including senses, but not in itself a sense any more than the act of moving out of the way of a baseball coming at you is a "sense."

Side: no....?

I believe it is not. Let us put this in a scenario of war since it there when all 5 senses are used simultaneously.

1. Sight would be used for seeing the enemy.

2. Smell would be used for testing food if it is still safe to consume.

3. Feeling would be used to sense the body for injuries.

4. Taste would be used when consuming food.

5. Hearing would be used in battle.

Emotion cannot be used since war is all about kill or be killed. Plus one can see the emotion of a person by looking at him. Thought on the other hand is not a sense for it utilizes the information taken and processes it inside the brain. Senses are used to gather information. Thought is used to process it.

Therefore they are not.

Side: no....?
1 point

our 5 senses percieve things around us into thoughts to control our emotional state. and others sense our emotions to judge thought to sense if were are in a safe state

Side: no....?