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 expanding rights (8)

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beanz599(20) pic

expanding rights

do you think that even in today's society there are rights that you think need to be expanded? 
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Up to 12 months paid maternity leave dividable between mother an father - paid by the state so that women wont be discriminized on the job market.

2 points

I can support this 95%. It takes a whole 6 months for the female body to fully recover after giving birth, from dropping the hormones to healing fully and she should have the option for another 3 months to stay with the child. I think it is almost tragic that fathers don't get to have paid maternity leave. My husband had to go to work the day after our children were born. The most critical times of bonding where lost to him. Families need to be a strong unit and companies that don't understand that tend to have employees that will never fully dedicate to the job or have true loyalty.

Yes it is. Not to forget.. children have needs to. It's heartbreaking to leave your newborn at a daycare before you are ready to.

1 point

Noting that I think rights narratives are merely an instrument we use to leverage our preferences and values over and against those of others and assuming that government necessarily exists, I would say that there are rights I would prefer to see expanded/introduced/defended. Mostly ones which pertain to ensuring freedom of action equitably across the marginalized identities I or my loved ones hold. So, for instance, so long as marriage received legal benefit I would want to expand marital rights to include non-monogomous relationships (though I'm not particularly persuaded of the merits and value of marital rights in general).

1 point

Identity rights. We all should have the right to not have our identity usurped whether it be theft of our names, numbers, credit cards, whatever. And although declaring that a right doesn't eliminate the problem of theft it could indeed make it much easier for a victim of identity theft to get their life back as well as for the perpetrators of such frauds to get buried in punishment for doing it after they've been caught.