
Debate Info

burning drowning
Debate Score:30
Total Votes:38
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 burning (12)
 drowning (13)

Debate Creator

11wolf(679) pic

would you rather be killed by burning or drowning

give reasons


Side Score: 16


Side Score: 14
2 points

sound travels poorly in water and makes for poor entertainment.

Side: burning
1 point

I'm quite accustomed with being on fire.

And I hate water.

Side: burning
-1 points

Neither, I want to have a party to celebrate my 100th birthday and wake up dead the morning after.

Side: burning
Jace(5211) Clarified
3 points

Wake up dead?

Side: burning
1 point

Don't worry you will find out one day, hopefully much much later

Side: burning
-4 points
4 points

Looks like you did a bit of a Freudian slip here. You would think someone who believes what you believe would avoid the side that leads to burning, but subconsciously you know exactly where you are going. :)

Side: burning
TheCapConKid(293) Clarified
1 point

That's quite funny Lol

Side: burning
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Looks like you are still a dead man walking with one foot in the mud on top of your grave, and the other foot on thin ice melting over the fire of Hell.

Side: drowning
2 points

Burning is more painful than drowning. Burning is considered the most painful experience any species can have from what my mom told me when I was in sixth grade. So I'd rather drown. Plus, most people won't live for ten minutes under water. So I know, especially being me, that it would be over quite soon. Burning is a long slow process that is more painful immediately than drowning.

Side: drowning
1 point

Drowning is the way to go. Flames are agonizing and I believe anyone who would vote for burning is a fool who would, in the moment, decide that they would rather drown while engulfed in flames. Any disputes to me will be replied with "I got a zippo, care to test my theory?"

Side: drowning
1 point

In my opinion drowning is less painful, because there is a way to speed up your suffering, which is by inhaling water as much as you can. You will die in no time.

When you are killed by burning, there is no way to speed up your suffering, the only thing you can do is wait until it ends.

Side: drowning

Have you heard the guy who was burnt by ISIS?? They are crazy bunch of inhumane idiots

Side: drowning

So angry here.... Don't piss me off........................................

Side: drowning
1 point

Can I pick how I'd drown? Then drowning, in a cyanide liquid or something comparable. Gets it over with quickly. Water takes a while.

In comparison, to burn up quickly you pretty much either have to be shot with a flame thrower or blown to bits in the process. I'd rather not either of those.

Side: drowning