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RSS Epifanio

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7 most recent arguments.
2 points

yes i believe so as long as it says in the terms of agreements

1 point

you've worked hard for your money and some alcoholic gets claim to some of your rewards that's idiotic and foolish and no person would willingly do that even if they say so know

2 points

i say yes i have heard of burglers breking in to a home getting themselves hurt and sue is that right no and if someonewith a gun breaks into our home and lets say tries to rape your child you are a horrible person if you do not stop or kill them

2 points

oral sex is sex plain and simple every argument i have seen for the opposition refers to oral sex as sex end of story i am sorry but you have defeated your own argument in my mind

1 point

i am sorry my good sir but you are foolhardy to believe polygamist need or want for that matter a new name for marriage. you are fool for not doing your homework and i will point this out polygamist are mostly a Christian commune that believe holy men should have multiple wives which is totally absurd i must point out. and i think you missed your target cause this debate is should there be a new name for marriage and all i find in your argument is about polygamy nothing about the debate

2 points

Hello my name is Epifanio i believe the most important subject is math for the sole fact that it is the most useful and powerful object mankind has created as a whole this universal language that helped build the pyramids in the past, to the appolo rocket now. that is now powering my computer as i write and yours as you read, math is in its self the foundation on which our culture lives everything we use from intricate satellites to the simple toaster was made using human ingenuity and math. with math everything has to be perfect which inspires perfection in us which in itself is unattainable makes us strive against that barrier to build and understand the most important things. In my closing arguments i believe that math is the most important subject because it affects everyday life from the humble baker measuring ingredient's to the business tycoon predicting stocks,

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