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RSS Mrlostguy1

Reward Points:21
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Denmark is a modern hybrid of socialism, and we have been stampled as the happiest people on earth... Just saying. I dont mind paying taxes, if i know that it helps my society. The health insurance payed with tax, is not for the poor. It's for me aswell. Because of the government paying all healthcare, i also get free treatment.

1 point

Yes it would. I believe, that there should be small boxes of weed, on every street corner. Whenever people get scared, they want it to be illegal. Why? Just put drugs on every street corner, so that when people go by they either say:" Oh that's drugs, that's not for me". Or they would say:" Hell yeah drugs. Give me". Its an individual choice. So you don't want to take drugs? Dont take them! Its your choice, but dont take that freedom from other people.

1 point

These days leaders are politicians, but any fool with an ideal can become a politician, so i truly believe that a true leader is born.

1 point

when you live in the western civilization, witch it is shaped by Capitalism. (this is a meaning for that everyone is free to do what they want, and in that case everyone has the right to do so), then this should not be a problem, and should not be an issue this big.

1 point

I don't think that the fact, that it kills you should be a reason to ban it. I think that if people want to smoke, let em'. At least you know when you see a pack of cigarettes: OH that's a pack of smokes, but i don't want those, because it's against my way of living. It's all about what you want as a individual.

1 point

With modern extremist groups (Maybe ISIS) It will certainly be difficult to achieve.

And with those groups being so intolerant, it will also make it quite hard to ac hive.

2 points

Nothing last forever. It's the saddest part of life, but it's also one of the most necessary ones. What would you do with a eternal life? I dont know.

1 point

Hear hear! The only reason Obama cant get any reforms through is just because of the tea party hammering him down 24/7. It sucks, because he only wants good things for the United States of America, and he could do great things if it wasn't for the tea party.

1 point

I agree! Maybe he did, but so what? We learn from our mistakes. I think as wise as he was, he learned from his mistakes. Hey at least he didn't kill anyone. Because that would be an even bigger mistake. And if you think he is stupid for sleeping with fans. What about JFK? He slept with Marilyn Monroe. That's just as bad, and he was properly one of the best politicians in American history. Private life is there problem, not ours. Real problems like racism, that's our problems.

1 point

I still believe that the court system of America is racist. I saw a documentary about a prison in Indiana, where a black inmate said, and i quote:" I was busted by three police officers, for burglary, and i was sentenced, to 50 years of imprisonment. Another white man did the same, and was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment. He further stated, that the jury was all white, and the judge was all white.

Another way to see the discrimination of collared man, is by looking at the white house. Sure. We have a black president, and that's great and all. But the Tea party, and most of the congress, simply refuse to let any of his reforms go through. And then you could say. Well they are political, shall we say "enemies" (In strong terms). Yes but for example. Under the Clinton administration they didn't just reject him.

And the Tea party have officially stated that, and i quote:" We will do whatever we can to prevent this man from having 4 more years".

They didn't do that under the Clinton administration. That is what i personally think.

Dr Martin Luther Kings dream came true, but not entirely. He would be very disappointed.

He got the African Americans their rights, but they are still being oppressed, by the government. He would be very unsatisfied indeed.

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Yes
Winning Position: Did Dr Martin Luther Kings Dream come true?

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Niels Mortensen
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: Denmark
Religion: Atheist
Education: Some College

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