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RSS Brohan

Reward Points:22
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Capitalism depends on taking services away from people. Socialism gets in the way, that's why capitalists invade socialist countries so capitalists can seize more markets. Certainly socialism does not depend on capitalism, and the more capitalism there is, the less socialism there will be. Think about the US. In the 60's, America had a lot of social services, but in the 80's, the US became a much more capitalist countries, and subsequently, took away a lot of social services. Back in the 70's, it wouldn't be uncommon for there to be free colleges. Nowadays, you can't find any. You saw something very similar in China. When Deng seized power in 1978, he took away a lot of social services that were there during the socialist era. He took away money that was going to handicapped people. During the socialist era, you would get treated first in hospitals, and then pay. After 1978, you had to pay first before you got treated. Other things Deng did in 1978 was give away state owned factories, and industries to private people. In 1989, Deng started charging tuition for college students, and that is what sparked the riots. So you can see socialism, and capitalism are directly at odds with one another. Likewise when Mao liberated China, he seized private industries, and nationalized them. Qadafi also did this when he liberated Libya.

1 point

What kinds of things were capitalists preaching before they murdered 50 million native Americans?

1 point

I agree with that. Criticism should be balanced. People should not be obsessed with criticism of Islam. Christianity probably has more problems than Islam. The media is always focuses on violence from Islam, but a lot more violence comes out of Christianity.

2 points

The British, Spanish, Irish, French, and Dutch stole the land from the natives, and killed, tortured millions of them too in the process. Later on Norwegians, Germans, Swedish, and Danish joined in the plunder.

2 points

I would have thought that the native Americans discovered America. They are saying natives have been there for over 10,000 years. Europe was very backward back then. Actually Europe made very few gains until 400 years ago.

2 points

Today's society is more brainwashed than ever before. Back in the 60's, people didn't have TVs and therefore couldn't be effectively brainwashed. Once the 90's rolled around, people were being brain washed in masses by TV. By the 2000's, and the introduction of the internet, anyone who wasn't brain washed by TV was being brainwashed by Google. You'd be surprised at how deep the brainwashing is. For example, there are literally college educated people out there saying that coffee is good for you. They don't stop for a minute and think maybe what they read was being sponsored by the coffee industry.

1 point

I would have though Columbus and his descendants would have been despised by the left. Even some on the right are disgusted by his savagry.

1 point

I think Britain still has huge amounts of influence on Irish politics, and business. Britain still maintains a strong presence in former colonies, and frequently interferes with affairs. It's not just Britain though. France, and Holland also do this.

1 point

Criminals, and prisoners are two different things. While it can be said that the majority of prisoners are bad people, many of the worst people are free men on the streets. Many of them are working in corporations, or as lawyers, and doctors. Wouldn't you consider a doctor who knowingly prescribes medicine that will cause more harm than good to be a criminal? How about pharmaceuticals who dispense medicine that will knowingly cause you more harm than good? Can you honestly even compare these pharmaceutical execs with a street corner prostitute?

2 points

Capitalism isn't natural. Capitalism is carried out, and forced upon the masses by a small group of selfish, greedy people. Before the USSR collapsed, 70% of the people voted to stay in the USSR, but they split because of a small group of capitalists who pushed their agenda on everyone else. The reason why capitalism prevails is because captalists are far more agresive than the comunists. That doesn't mean it's natural. Animals are not always competing against each other either. Animals also frequently cooperate, and share with each other. Look at ants for example. Even if animals did practice capitalism, wouldn't you want to achieve something more than animals?

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