
AbbyNestor's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of AbbyNestor's arguments, looking across every debate.

Even if employee service increases for the better the local business will lose profit that they should be using to improve upon their products. Paying the employees more will not always grant the company better services. This is why the product is of much importance.

Not at all. I don't see why people do either.

Nothin much. You know you could have sent a message or something.

AbbyNestor(1028) Clarified
1 point

Because it was that special to people. And obviously it survived and stood the test of time.

You missed my point. Science has shown us that they exist. It has not done so for God.

Or what about the time where God didnt know what Abraham was going do? Also if God knew Adam was there he could have stopped him from eating the fruit.

I can see the effects of wind. Science helps us with that. I can see the effects of gravity. Science heavily helps us. You can see oxygen molecules if you are cool enough. I see no God. Science explains nothing of him. He is unnecessary.

I have read the bible Srom. There are some big errors. God claims to know everything yet cant find Adam in Genesis.

Lol then that sucks ass for Tom Cruise.

3 points

God is so good that killed millions of people to prove it. He even made hell. Omnibenevolence for sure.

Did his religion start wars and have terrorist organizations thinking God favors them? Did his religion cause the death of many jews?

3 points

Lol this bullshit started wars and hasn't solved anything. At least Cinderella doesn't claim to be God.

I dont see Harry Potter starting a church and being a cause of war and pestilence.

Prove that demons exist. I want to see some non biblical evidence. Also you believe in a deity that does nothing and cant be seen at all. That is blind faith. The bible has far to many contradictions to be true. Also Jesus most likely existed as a delusional man.

War. Just absolute nuclear annihilation. You know America will do it if it may lose an important war.

You know you don't see people taking out demons or healing people in other names now do you? Only Jesus Christ and followers of Him can cast out demons and do miraculous healing

Have you ever had a headache? Have you ever heard or Tylenol? Have you ever had a bubbly stomach? Have you tried Pepto Bismol? Ever had any troubles? Ever heard of weed?

Nor do you find any archaeological proof like people, places, and things from fairy tales. Nor do we date the calender by a fictional characters birth and death. Example, look at Jesus Christ BC (Before Christ), and AD (After Death).

I dont care about the BC or AD thing. There isnt much proof for any of the miracles either.

2 points

Thats cool. You will just be taped to a chair at the wedding involuntarily. No harm done right?

That sounds so fucking awesome. I woud drink it. Everybody in my family probably drinks too much soda anyway. If wine tasted like soda I would have it at my future wedding.

Yeah this is a moving song. Its pretty intense. I just need to find a new inspiration.

Taxation is robbery. It is the deprivation of a man's earnings of which he should be entitled to keep. This just takes more money from him.

I like listening to stuff like this. Makes you feel inspired to do something.

My Name is Lincoln

You didnt have to post the ignorant comment then. You are just asking flr a fight.

Chihuahua isna species. I dog is a kind idiot. He only had to grab a dog. Not every species.

What is Ruazenith? I know what Zenith is. But what is that?

He used the word "species". So his argument implied species. If he said "kind" it would imply a kind of animal.

0 points

Actually I rarely ever close the door. Even when other people are present in my house.

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