
Armed_Up's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Armed_Up's arguments, looking across every debate.
7 points

In my opinion, no. Your skin color doesn't decide your personality. Anyone of any race, gender, ethnicity, etc. can be friendly.

1 point

Alright. That's fine. I wasn't trying to leave anything out purposefully, and I apologize if it came across that way.

1 point

I do not believe in limbo. I think that only Catholics believe in limbo.

1 point

I was not trying to leave that part out. I was trying to make it shorter so it wouldn't seem like I wrote some long speech.

2 points

1. Yes, I believe God has a plan for me and that he is omniscient. We actually do have true freedom, because although God knows what is going to happen, he isn't the one making it happen. Man has freedom.

2. It could be, but take America for example; we have a lot of different religions in America alone.

3. The serpent in Genesis may not have been a literal snake. The Hebrew word for serpent is "nahash", which indeed is a common word for snake, but it also means "to stand upright." Snake could also be a word play, because the Hebrew word for "deceive" is very close to it, and has the same root as magic and divination. So what if the "serpent" was really a spiritual power that appeared to the woman as a bright creature?

God had originally intended for Earth to be Heaven, and man would live forever in harmony with God, but since man sinned, God had no choice but to limit our life here on Earth, that way he could reach the actual Heaven.

4. In Genesis 6:5-6, when God says, "The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled," it is different from when he had first created man, because they were not wicked. Now every human is wicked except for Noah, and as you can see, God saves Noah.

5. If you look at the FULL context of that Exodus 4 instead of just looking at that one verse, you will see the Moses is telling God that he cannot be the spokesman for God because he is slow of speech and tongue. God then says, "Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord?" The purpose of this is so that God may show us how he can work through us, and he will use every mute, deaf, or blind person for his glory.

6. God allows it. It is man's fault that sin entered the world, and because of it the world is no longer perfect.

7. God is sinless. He is also a jealous God. Note the first commandment: You shall have no other Gods before me. Also note the second: Thou shalt not worship any false idols. In Exodus 32:27 when the Levites are given the command to kill, it is for good reason.

8. When Adam and Eve sinned, they brought sin into this world. We are not being punished for their sins. We all have a chance, a choice, to accept eternal life. We don't have to suffer in hell.

9. It is NOT sexist. If you actually read the Bible, you would have read the story of Deborah, who was a Judge of Israel and a warrior. There are also other female warriors mentioned. 1 Timothy 2:12 is about speaking in a church. Being a Preacher. While the Bible does not support the practice of women serving as pastors, numerous passages speak clearly and forcibly to the inherent worth and value of women.

10. Everyone knows of God. The Bible says, "The truth about God is known to them instinctively. God has put this knowledge in their hearts. From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God" (Romans 1:19-20, New Living Translation).

11. Again, if you actually READ the full story, you would get the context here. The story goes like this: Jephthah made a rash vow that if God delivered Ammon into his hands he would sacrifice unto Him whatever came out of the door of his house to meet him on his victorious return. Jephthah likely thought one of the slaves would come out to greet him and be the burnt offering. God took Jephthah at his word, but he was stunned when he saw his precious daughter crossing the threshold to greet him. God answered his prayer and punished him through its answer. (If you read the earlier part of the story, you will realize that Japhthah seems to be a very arrogant man).

12. There is actually plenty of evidence for God if you choose to look at it as such.

13. I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean. But I believe in the Big Bang. I believe that God said, "BANG" and it was big!

14. Uh... I don't know where you got this from, but never does it say in the Bible that babies go to hell. It is actually widely believe that all babies go to heaven because they aren't yet able to understand the truth.

Thank you for your time.

1 point

Personally, I don't think I child needs to be quite 16, but at least 15+. They need to be responsible and trustworthy, and I'd need to meet the person they want to date first.

1 point

In my opinion, it is Clash of Clans. Don't get me wrong, Clash Royale is super fun and Boom Beach is interesting, but Clash of Clans is something that I play everyday because it's entertaining and fun.

One thing that I like about CoC is that you have a friends list, whereas in Royale you do not, which makes it somewhat hard to connect with your friends.

In CoC there are multiple things for you to do that keep the game going. You have two villages (home and builder base), you have a clan where you can participate in clan wars (which you cannot do in Royale), and you can raid and collect tons of loot (in Royale the loot is a set amount).

1 point

I am not stupid, nor am I uninformed. Thank you for performing the "Appeal to Stupidity" fallacy; that is a perfect example of attacking another person using stupidity as an excuse. I was informed enough about both sides to know who is better in my eyes.

Also, I am not an adult, so I was unsure how to view campaigns and debates, nor did I need to. I can't vote, so there's really no point.

1 point

The way I think of this is, people escape from prison/jail sometimes. What if they're a serial killer or mass murderer? If we don't have the death penalty, they are now able to harm so many more people. If we have the death penalty, it may also get rid of some criminals and prevent new ones, because people will be scared of death.

1 point

I did not agree that letting them die slowly is best, but I also don't think that killing is the answer.

1 point

Honestly, everyone deserves hell, so.

It is very sad that they die from cancer and that they go through that kind of pain.

I do wish everyone would step up and help though. We could save so many people.

1 point

God never gives anyone more than they can handle.

Sacred means that it is connected to God. All life is connected to God. We are created in the image of God.

Because all life is sacred. (See my previous statement). We shouldn't kill them because there is a chance for help. There is a chance that we could help them all if everyone would step up and help.

1 point

So what you mean is that the big bang caused all other galaxies to "fly" away from ours?

4 points

I was unable to follow Trump's campaign, but I believe the Trump is better than Hillary. That is just my opinion. There is no need to attack me with an appeal to stupidity.

1 point

Please, tell me the evidence supporting the big bang? I have been unable to find any and would love to hear some.

3 points

Donald Trump is better than Hillary Clinton.

Did anyone else hear about how the voting machines were rigged in Hillary's favor? I'm glad Trump still won.

Trump is possibly a Christian, which at least means he has better morals than Hillary.

He is trying to protect us from illegal immigrants coming in from Mexico that are coming into our country and stealing from and harming us. (I have nothing against Hispanics, I'm just saying that some of them that cross our border are not here for good reasons).


He has also rebuilt our military. He has funded it; something Obama didn't do.

1 point

First and foremost, I wasn't acting like I child, and I'm not making myself feel stupid because I am actually very smart. The way you asked what I didn't comprehend was in the form of a fallacy.

Unfortunately, I cannot prove it. It is impossible to prove anything, whether it be God creating the universe, or the big bang.

0 points

Actually bro, saying "Every planet I've seen is spherical, therefore the earth is spherical" is a fallacy. The Hasty Generalization fallacy.

Don't get me wrong, I totally believe that the earth is round, but just wanted to point out your fallacy.

1 point

Killing is never humane. All life is sacred.

We can help as much as possible, even if it isn't enough for everyone.

1 point

The natural and alternate explanations are incorrect explanations of how the universe came into being.

You said, "Is that really difficult to grasp?"

That in and of itself is a fallacy. It is the Appeal to Stupidity fallacy. Things such as that are thrown in the argument in order to throw an opponent off or make them feel stupid. There was no need to add that in your reply.

1 point

I would appreciate it if you told me how I failed. I don't believe that I failed to understand anything. I think you may just be using a genetic fallacy to attack my "stupidity".

1 point

The universe does not "appear" to be fine-tuned. It is created perfectly, the way it was meant to be. I did not commit a fallacy because I myself did not state that I could not believe that it happened any other way.

1 point

I am a Christian: therefore, I believe in God.

Science has evidence supporting that there is a God. Constants, for instance are one way of proving that the universe at least had an intelligent designer. By constants, I mean environmental and physical factors. There are about 160 constants, and if any of them were off in the slightest, we wouldn't be standing here today.

There is no plausible explanation for the Anthropic Principle other than a Cosmic Designer. For those who are not familiar with the Anthropic principle, it is this: A philosophical consideration that observations of the universe must be compatible with the conscious and sapient life that observes it.

Ripples in temperature. These are "ripples" in space that are coming to us from the past. Scientists are amazed at their precision. Any slight variation, and we wouldn't be here to tell about it. There is no way that something so incredibly precise did not have intelligence behind it.

These are some arguments to state my case.

3 points

I would like for you to pretend you are in an art museum. You enter a room and walk to a painting. You look at this painting. Do you think to yourself, "I wonder how this painting got here?" or "How did this painting come to being?" No, you do not. You know paintings cannot paint themselves, so therefore the painting has a painter. Paintings are intricately designed, and anything with an intelligent, intricate design must have a designer, much like a book. Books are intricate. Books do not create themselves. They have an intelligent author who wrote them. The same goes for this world, this galaxy, this universe, and everything within it. The design is so intricate that only an intelligent designer could have designed such a wonderful, intricate, beautiful thing.

Another topic I would like to bring up is constants. By constants, I mean environmental and physical factors. Things like how the sun is the perfect distance away from us. If it were one inch closer, we would burn up, and if it were one inch further away, then we would freeze to death. There are about 160 of these constants. Constants are interdependent. A small change in one constant may affect other constants and could prevent or destroy the conditions necessary for life.

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