
CellarMan's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of CellarMan's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Is Global Warming Real?

yes, I believe so, although I believe a better term is "Climate Change". The fact that the way the weather is behaving is a sign that things are changing.

Is there action being done today to help slow down Global Warming?

I think that the "Green" movement is going in the right direction, but I don't believe that enough people participate in it to make it truly effective yet.

Is our President doing Anything?

I believe he is, but at the moment he has other issues on his plate that get more of his attention.

Who will be most affected?

Perhaps 3rd world countries, who won't have the financial means to help them deal with climate changes.

What will the Human Race become?

I'm not sure of that.

Is this the reason for the 2012 theory?

No...that is due to people who think the Mayan calendar is showing the end of the world.

Will killing a large amount of people help? (Legal Abortions, Death pentalty enforced,)

No, that won't help. Death penalties are for people in prison, who are not wasting as much energy as those who are free, and abortions are on humans who aren't here yet, so they are not wasting energy or poluting the planet.

Is Global Warming a story made up by our government to make money?

No, I believe it to be real.

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