
Cynical's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cynical's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Nope he never actually made the lightbulb. He stole and adapated it from 22 others who have created it prior to Edison.

1 point

Hmm, perhaps not the current present, but it is exceptionally unlikely that by erasing Darwin from existence, you'd similarly wipe out the modern evolution concept from both ever existing or ever being created. Besides, there's far worse people to wipe from existence... Like Edison!

5 points

Oh, Srom, you so silly sometimes. The foundations of evolutionary ideas were pre-Socrates era Greek philosophers, so yeah, I don't think wiping Darwin from existence would prevent the modern idea of evolution from existing; it would likely just be attributed to someone else.

1 point

Thomas Edison. Needless to say, he was an asshole, and also a thief.

1 point

One of the worst and most biased youtube video of all time doesn't prove me wrong, mate. Try again. Also, even if this was presumed correct, you have not discredited the other four games I listed.

3 points

Anyone who thinks any Call of Duty is the best videogame of all time is mentally retarded. My top 5 in no real order: Skyrim, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, Mass Effect 2

1 point


1 point

You know lolzors, sometimes you're not as stupid as I'd believe you are. Provided the religious classes are voluntary, I'd have no problem with them being included in schools.

1 point

You're getting dangerously close to being the second person I've dropped the banhammer on. Seriously, I mostly just made this for confirmation/so Andy knows, not shitty theories.

1 point

...Except that League of Legends was created before Dota 2, haha. Still though, I do think Dota 2 is better.

1 point


1 point

1) Objective morality doesn't exist, at all, anyway.

2) Bollocks.

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