
Rickinmich61's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Rickinmich61's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Has the number of employed gone up or down?

Has the value of the dollar gone up or down?

Has the value of U.S. Bonds gone up or down?

Has our standing among our allies gone up or down?

Is our nation closer to bankruptcy or not?

Is Obama in his eyes failing or succeeding?

It's not difficult to tell which direction he is taking us.

The only question to me is his motives, even more so when every historical document on his life is kept secret.

Obama’s Hidden Records - Look it up

1 point

Nice, "Have you stopped beating your wife yet", trap type question.

If your in a burning building and the fireman directs you to the front door and you run up the stairs did the fireman condemn you to your fiery death?

No God is not sending anyone to Hell.

He is offering you to join him in his Heaven he made for us.

You can chose to join us or hit the highway "to hell".... Or what ever land of warm fuzzes and lollipops you think waits you in your personal reality without God.

Since God gave us this world, dominion over it and free will, it's is the Christians duty to make sure everyone hears and has the opportunity to decide. And we are doing a terrible job at it. Anti-Christians should be pleased they have intimidated Christians making them less then they should be.

So it's our fault that we are not doing Gods will on our planet.

Your question and assumptions are flawed.

I agree, God would not send everyone to Hell.

He did create free will though...

3 points

Lets just make the minimum wage $120 per hour?

Then everyone would make a minimum $250 thousand a year.

Then president Obama can tax 100% of us and, and, and then we would be starting the next millennium of peace in a perfect world.

Or do you think inflation may make a meal at McDonalds cost $150.

A new Car $375,000

A new small modest home $ 2.5 Million.

Jacking with the minimum wage is a game politicians Like Senator Ted Kennedy (RIP) use to buy votes.

2 points

The Government has no Money unless it prints it in bulk like toilet paper, then it has the same value as toilet paper.

If your hands are in my pockets taking my hard earned money for anything it’s Stealing.

If the Government’s hands are in my pockets taking my hard earned money it’s Socialism.

Communism is after the fact that you and your government has successfully taken everything all citizens used to own.

As for Corporations: The government should not be giving out money to anyone or Corporation.

Every company and individual either stands and works on their own two feet or they don’t.

1 point

So your saying Ted Kennedy was not a Disgrace?

I think he was a disgrace to J.F.K. Maybe not the rest of the family but definitely to J.F.K. and to our country and our founding fathers.

1 point


Dependency on government handouts and welfare Is Slavery!

If J.F.K. Ran today on the same platform I would enthusiastically vote for him over Bush or McCain.

Dependency IS Slavery

0 points

You’re against their messages but you can call these protesters Faggots for taking time out of their busy lives and exercising their First Amendment rights?

These are not professional protesters hired by some extremist group, they are millions of working class citizens saying enough is enough.

1 point

Incase this is new to you. This is why it's called the 9-12 Project, a lot of people had their eyes opened on 9-11 and personally vowed to never stick their heads back in the sand, they would pay attention, get involved.

2 points

Define acceptable.

Legal? or Socially condemned by the opposition?

The Liberal Media and Nut Jobs labeled President Bush a liar for agreeing with

Bill Clinton, Gore, Pelosi, Ted Kennedy on Saddam Hussein having WMD’s [see footnote].

(I guess Hussein just wished the several thousand Kurds dead).

Was that acceptable?

Openly calling for President Bush to be shot?

Was that acceptable?

Google “Kill Bush” click Images, goto advanced filter and turn it off.

Is all this acceptable?

It goes both ways, the only difference is ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and the Newspapers hide liberal behavior while shining the spot light on the few examples they can find from the opposition.

Wake up America. The mass media is not spoon feeding you the Truth. Question facts and reject opinion passed on like it was fact.

Disclaimer: I am not a Republican or for Republicans, I am a conservative that wants to see the majority of Republicans Fired! from Congress for life long service in bankrupting our country with every scheme they can dream up. It’s time to clean house. And on President Bush, after 9-11 I wanted revenge like 85% of America, the only difference is I remember and I will not blame him for doing our will. I could never condemn Bush without condemning myself first.


2 points

If your going to work in the business world where PC has +95% of the market share, then you need to learn it if you want to increase your value to a prospective employer.

If you're on your own, or you're doing graphics work then a Mac is great.

1 point

I voted for Romney.

I will never vote from him again.

He quit in the middle of the election just to join the Good-Ole-Boys-Network, and bow to McCain “the back room chosen one”.

That is exactly what is wrong with the Republican Party. (Compassionate) Politicians bent on buying votes through socialist programs while bankrupting our country.

I hope we get honest candidates with backbone, who have never been a politician or Lawyer, who refuse corrupt corporate/lobbyist money, who's only mission is to focus on cleaning house, cutting waste, and balancing the budget.

He is a pretty boy with lots of money, but we should expect more, we must choose better.

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