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This personal waterfall shows you all of SHHOUGH's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

What do you mean "HOW to change"? Have you BEEN to his website?

2 points

Seriously? You're pining for Palin? Hahahaha! Really! Sarah Palin was probably the poorest choice for vice president possible! Aside from being a woman, she has nothing to recommend her. So, you tell me. What exactly has she done?

And, thank you very much, I do my research. Big time. So let's go- tell me about your friend Sarah.

And at least Obama is claiming to be for change. I don't like all of his politics, but I do support the majority of his platform. There's a chance he might try and bring change- he's new, and isn't going to just go with how Capitol Hill has been working for the past administration.

0 points

Okay, first off: really? McCain? Todd, you're a moderate republican. McCain, my friend, is


a moderate


He is a conservative conservative conservative, and always has been. There was a time, admittedly, where even I liked him as a democrat, when he told the current republicans to stuff it. But that was before he showed his true colors, and he has very clearly shown himself to be a serious conservative, and has not tried in any serious attempts to be bipartisan.

As for your stupid idea that Obama would make a health form shorter, thereby making people's lives easier even though they have to pay more, I would love for you to post up the section of his site, which I have been to, where he says that.

It does say that his plan will shorten health care forms, yes, and he will lessen costs, deductibles, and other fees. But suggesting using less ink or something would screw the little man is preposterous.

And, I know you didn't mention experience, but Obama-Biden and Palin-McCain just about balance each other out. And I would say, Obama has done a lot more with HIS two years; Palin was only popular because she was governor in a state with oil. Come on.

Obama does say how he is going to strive for change- in fact, he details it in contrast to the Bush administration on the issues section of the site. So I don't understand what you mean when he suggests baseless change.

And for your information, I've yet to see a serious difference between Bush and McCain's policies, aside from the benchmarks on withdrawing from Iraq that BUSH put in and McCAIN wants taken out. Why mess up the only good thing Bush ever did?

5 points

Somebody posted a tag saying "Who cares what teens think?"- it's late now, but I would like to address this in my blog at Check tomorrow for my response to this issue.

1 point

I am going to start an argument to get this going.

Barack Obama is a candidate who is for change in the United States. This country needs a change in the White House administration, not a repeat of the Bush regime. Yes, I said regime. McCain is not a moderate, he is a conservative at heart, and people need to remember that. Obama deserves to win, and Biden brings to the table everything he didn't originally- more liberal ideas, experience, and age to match McCain a little better.

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