
SomeOddworld's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of SomeOddworld's arguments, looking across every debate.

Isn't that more or less what I said? It works in theory but has never worked in reality.

5 points

Smoking of tobacco should definetly be banned for numerous reasons (e.g. kills, costs the NHS a metric sh*t-ton of money), but on the other hand smoking things such as marijuana which have very few side effects and can be used medicinally should be legalised.

It works in theory but sadly every communist leader so far has been a crazy tyrant for some reason.

Popcorn00, of what I've seen of his arguments he doesn't actually debate, he just swears a lot and moans.

4 points

As Richard Dawkins said "Asking why apes are still here is like asking why there are still British people after they colonized America", they branched off, simple.

Sex is for the continuation of the species.

I don't think you actually understand evolution, we didn't suddenly morph from apes into humans (well, we still are apes), it was a gradual process over millions of years.

2 points

I would've considered your comment seriously if it hadn't have been for the personal comment. "dont shove it off as false because you arent able to prove it right" Why not? If anything I should have the right to shove it off if very little of it can be proven as fact.

And what spiritual things can be explained scientifically? I've never seen an example of it.

Kim Jong-il was not a good leader, he spent all the country's (or his really) money on the military and as a result a large proportion of the population are poor and starving.

The reason people cried so much when he died is because they were probably brainwashed/forced to do so.

At least provide a reason as to why you believe this.

Also, we ARE animals, every single breathing, living thing on this planet (and others probably) are animals.

0 points

Well, if there was a neutral option I'd probably pick that, though I lean to no because a lot of teenagers rush into relationships without any idea what love is, post Facebook statuses with quotes by poets and/or emos about love, then break up two weeks later, give a week or two and the cycle repeat.

Plus, not many teenagers remain together, granted there is the odd exception, but generally teenagers (such as myself) should leave romantic/sexual relationships alone until we're more mature to understand fully what love is.

0 points

It should be completely dismantled, these people no longer hold any significant power over the country and are too rich for their own good, give their money to people who actually need and deserve it.

Each one used a slightly modified version of the same engine up until this point.

7 points

No, the Bible is ancient, comes from unverifiable authors and contradicts itself too many times. I don't consider the Bible being "the word of God" or "true" an argument for Christianity.

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