
Swank's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Swank's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Nobody thinks you have free speech. You're a foreigner. You have no rights.

1 point

quantum consciousness theories

1 point

If you're seriously asking this question, then yes. This concept is called Natural Selection

I have a lot of libs swimming in shark holes around where I live.

1 point

I think he's political radiation at this point. Trump was literally a repudiation of him.

1 point

Interesting cast of characters. A guy that defends Robert Byrd, the ex KKK Grand wizard, two blatant race baiters, and a Hitler loving antisemite. There's your Democrat Party that tells us how non-racist they are. They don't even wear the masks anymore.

2 points

Looks like mingiwuwu the communist wants us to forget that the left created the term fake news.

2 points

It's only fake news if it's against Trump, LOL!

Your problem being that a compilation of lib media lies and created events would take years to watch.

1 point

Don't forget our European Spaniard imperialist descendents down south.

2 points

Today's society is already brainwashed. The Marxists entered our culture and taught a generation to be sloppy ass stupid.

3 points

Avenatti is a man lawyer who somehow gets involved in every anti Republican court case.

1 point

Better go after them now because we both know they'll toss every Republican they can in jail for less once they get control again.

2 points

I'm speaking about actual WORDS.. The press doesn't give favorable coverage to Republicans, it's true.. But, they don't say the words, "the Republicans are the enemy of the people".

Intepret these words for me.



Neo Cons

Literally Hitler







Nazi death camps

Japanese internment camps

Nazi Germany

Then tell me if it's worse to call someone those things or call them "the enemy of the people"?

I knew they were Saul Alinsky Communists long before Trump.

-8 points
-1 points

Pretty deep, thought provoking response. Not.

2 points

He had absolutely nothing to do with it

He claimed he did.

He had absolutely nothing to do with it

He also took credit for the wtc bombing in the 1990s, when a liberal was President.

He had absolutely nothing to do with it

Liberals around the world & the U.S. disagree with you.

He had absolutely nothing to do with it

Sheik Muhammed said he did.

He had absolutely nothing to do with it

Obama said he did.

He had absolutely nothing to do with it

The 9/11 report said he did.

He had absolutely nothing to do with it

Multiple foreign intel said he did.

He had absolutely nothing to do with it

The people on the planes said the hijackers were Arabs, Muslims, Islamists, etc.

1 point

It shouldn't matter as long as they have the same rules. Either you can kneel for any reason or you can't kneel for any reason.

1 point

The left doesn't live in reality. They will unite with any group, whether that group is anti gay, anti feminism, any of it, all to oppose the only group they can't tolerate for undisclosed reasons.

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