
TheCentaur's Waterfall RSS

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3 points

Chivalry is indeed alive and well. Maybe we don't have Arthur's knights following us around protecting us from danger at all times, or Lancelot trying to court us, but we do have people that defend us. The soldiers in Iraq, and many other places around the world are the reason we have our freedom. Had they not stepped up and taken the honor in protecting our country, we would not have the rights and freedoms we often take for granted. A former teacher of mine once said "if you think living in the US isn't all its cracked up to be, name one place where you have everything we have and MORE." Imagine having to protect yourself from anything and everything instead of just having to swat the occasional fly or bug. And people that say chivalry is dead don't know much about it. It isn't all about holding open doors and waiting on you hand and foot, if they were to read the Code of Chivalry they would understand why no one ever attained the Holy Grail, the code wanted you to be PERFECT, so perfect that no one could. So ladies, suck it up and hold the door for yourself, or open the car door, or pay for your own dinner, at least you're not having to defend yourself from some crazy terrorist attack the minute you step foot outside.

"Chivalry And Humanity." Chivalry Today. Web. 30 Mar. 2012. .

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